IMEStatus Lược sử Phiên bản

2 phiên bản2 phiên bản

Hãy cẩn thận với phiên bản cũ!

Những phiên bản này được hiển thị cho mục đích tham khảo và thử nghiệm. Bạn chỉ luôn nên dùng phiên bản mới nhất của tiện ích.

Phiên bản 0.6.1-signed.1-signed 26.6 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.6 - 56.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.3a4pre

Changing points from version 0.5, as follows:
* Fixed: Background image is repeated after inputting tab group name on Panorama(TabCandy/Tab set/Tab view), Minefield.
* Fixed: Possibility that IME inactivation doesn't work on automatically focused page(e.g. Google) or depending on a cache.
* Fixed: There is possibility that background color doesn't recover.
* Added: "IMEStatus Options" on Tools menu
* Added: "Hide IMEStatus Options on Tools menu" setting
* Added: Toolbar button(instead of status bar icon for Minefield/Firefox 4)

Limitations/Known issues:
* If check on 'Inactivate IME anywhere', IME is inactive on all text areas(input, textarea and textbox) where doesn't change background color.
* IME inactivation doesn't work on Linux.
* Doesn't work on WYSIWYG HTML editor area or Thunderbird message composing window's message body.

Phiên bản 0.5 18.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.6 - 4.0b8pre, Thunderbird 3.1a1pre - 3.3a1pre

Changing points from version 0.4, as follows:
* Added: changing foreground text color settings
* Added: working on Fx/TB Download Manager, TB Message Filter Rules and Address Card/List
* Fixed: remove duplicated CSS rules
* Fixed: ja locale typo

Limitations/Known issues:
* There is possibility that background color doesn't recover.
* Background image is repeated after inputting tab group name on Panorama(TabCandy/Tab set/Tab view), Minefield.
* IME inactivation doesn't work on Linux.
* There is possibility that IME inactivation doesn't work on automatically focused page(e.g. Google) or depending on a cache.
* Doesn't work on WYSIWYG HTML editor area or Thunderbird message composing window's message body.