História verzií Pywalfox

6 verzií

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Verzia 2.0.11 33.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie

- Fix auto mode not updating the theme at the set time interval

Verzia 2.0.9 33.1 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie

- Added new connection error page with button for retrying the connection without restarting
- Added options for muting update and connection notifications
- Fixed incorrect connection status if native messenger disconnected without error
- Removed tab border color in Firefox 89.x
- Added new icon
- Dynamically set prefers-color-scheme CSS property on theme mode change

Verzia 2.0.6 32.2 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie

This update adds support for the new theme mode commands in the native application. You can find more info about this here: https://github.com/Frewacom/pywalfox-native/releases/tag/v2.7.1.

If you want to use this new feature, you must also update the native application to version >= 2.7.1.

Verzia 2.0.5 32.1 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie

Verzia 2.0.4 28.6 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie

- Accessibility improvements in the Settings page (highlight the selected button/link when using tab)
- Updated text on update page
- Bumped the minimum required version of the Pywalfox native messaging application

Verzia 2.0.3 28.5 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 60.0 a vyššie