Firefox 用户 52a8d1


名称 Firefox 用户 52a8d1
注册时间 Feb. 3, 2023
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Just Report It


is it "normal" that after every spam submission to Spamcop i receive a message with Subject : [SpamCop] has accepted 1 email for processing. And in the body i have this line "SpamCop is now ready to process your spam .

When i check within Spamcop [Past reports] tab >> "View recent reports" the report appears as "No report filed".

Are all these normal behaviors from the plugin ?

I almost forgot; when submitting a spam, i have a pop-up request to encrypt the submission using OpenPGP.
However, this fails as i do not have the Public key from Spamcop.
So to have the spam submitted, i have to "Disable encryption" from the pop window.

Thanks for your prompt reply.
What about the OpenPGP stuff, is there a Public key for Spamcop, else a work around the request to encrypt the submission.

