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Support: Thunderbird191,173 位用户 -
68,955 位用户
35,439 位用户
using local files, webdav servers or imap servers28,564 位用户 -
25,796 位用户
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1) Chose settings.
2) In the Address Book, select contacts and right click.
3) Print with "Actual Size" (not "Fit to Page").1 位用户 -
279 位用户
68,955 位用户
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It will then put them all into a single menu.
You can click on the menu & copy the address.
For those wrangling email addresses all day, it's a massive time saver.22 位用户 -
197 位用户
531 位用户
538 位用户
939 位用户
1 位用户
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