Addons Recent Updates versionshistorik

5 versioner

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Version 0.1.8 8.6 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 7.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.4 - 2.52a1, Thunderbird 7.0 - 55.0a1

[x] Fixed compatibility with Firefox 55+ (SyntaxError: missing ; before statement) (#5).

Version 0.1.7 4.3 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 7.0 - 54.*, SeaMonkey 2.4 - 2.44a1, Thunderbird 7.0 - 47.0a1

[x] Fixed compatibility with Firefox 47+ (bug 1090880, #3).

Version 4.2 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 7.0 - 44.*, SeaMonkey 2.4 - 2.32a1, Thunderbird 7.0 - 35.0a1

+ Added UI for extensions.addonsRecentUpdates.days preference (#2)
- Dropped support for Gecko < 7.0 (due to not supported inline options)

Version 3.1 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 4.0 - 23.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.20a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 23.0a1

* Improved compatibility with other extensions (#1)

Version 2.9 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 4.0 - 20.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.17a1, Thunderbird 5.0 - 20.0a1

First public release