Realraven (Axel Grude)

Rreth meje

Të dhëna Zhvilluesish
Emër Realraven (Axel Grude)
Vend Dunmore, Ireland
Punësim Software Developer
Faqe Hyrëse
Përdorues që prej Mars 5, 2007
Numër shtesash të zhvilluara 11 shtesa
Vlerësim mesatar për shtesat e programuesit Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Shtesat që kam krijuar

QuickFolders (Tabbed Folders)

The "Swiss army knife" of folders. Turn your favorites into tabs - open folders and subfolders, move mails without scrolling around or searching. powerful + easy.

See new mail at a glance after automatic filtering - supports quickFilters addon!

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm (187)
14 508 përdorues


Quickly generate mail filters on the fly, by dragging and dropping mails and analyzing their attributes. Create a filter in less than 10 seconds, it's as easy as: drag, click, click.

By popular demand, supports SORTING filters alphabetically.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm (70)
12 554 përdorues


SmartTemplates offers an easy and powerful way to automatically create customized replies by auto-inserting various mail headers. Templates can be created for every mail identity, Stationery files can now be imported and used directly.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm (79)
4 985 përdorues


Adds many new mail filter actions - launch a file, suppress notification, remove star or tag, mark replied or unread, copy as "read", append text to subject.

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm (100)
14 903 përdorues

QuickPasswords Lyp Rinisje

Retrieve your Passwords the quick way! Never retype or display your secure passwords on screen anymore - put the password where you need it - the login form or the clipboard.

Now also includes SSO change (multi-domain pw) and Backup + Restore.

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm (53)
37 përdorues

Shqyrtimet e Mia

Addon Compatibility Check for TB 102/TB 115

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Great tool for checking which of your Add-ons are ready for this year's new Thunderbird version (91). Very helpful!

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.3). 

Message Header Toolbar Customize

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Excellent and does what THunderbird 78 should have given you "Out of the Box". Having labels on the header is just unnecessary visual clutter. I want to support this add-on with my SmartTemplate Add-on so that we can choose a form letter from the write / reply / forward buttons.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (2.0.0). 


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Still very useful. Unfortunately, it floods the error console with messages, you have to set
extensions.CompactHeader.debugLevel=3 and restart Tb to turn this behavior off. Since the Options dialog doesn't support setting the debug level anymore, you should consider setting the default to 3

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (3.0.0beta3).  Ky përdorues ka shqyrtim të mëparshëm të kësaj shtese.


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

If you need this functionality for Thunderbird 68, try the SmartTemplate4 Add-on, which now also includes similar functionality to the also abandoned Stationery Add-on.

You can add templates to the write/reply/forward buttons on ST4 Settings, under Accounts: "File Templates". On top of that, you can use variables, such as %from(firstname)% and insert dates, change subject lines, add recipients etc.


Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm


Since Thunderbird 68 - You can use your Stationery files with SmartTemplate4. Simply open SmartTemplate settings and select "File Templates" from the Accounts dropdown; you can then add your Stationery files to the write, reply and forward buttons. I have been using Stationery for years and worked with the author Arivald to make both our Add-ons compatible with each other.

Since he has no time to work for nothing for the many weeks that it takes to update Addons to the latest Tb version I decided to incorporate the Stationery feature into my own Add-on, because external templates are absolutely crucial for a productive Mail environment. Stationery has always been a 5 star Add-on, absolutely important.

I am programming Add-ons for 10 years and I would have patched Stationery if I had a month of free time (I seriously tried). But I had to set my priorities and look after my own Add-ons.

Full disclosure: SmartTemplate4 requires a license (5$ / year) because it is impossible to work on Add-ons every day of the week for nothing. All "free as in beer" things will end eventually, because they exploit people.

Ky përdorues ka 4 shqyrtime të mëparshme të kësaj shtesë.

Copy Sent to Current

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Super valuable tool - but you need to update the overloaded options in "Copies & Folders" as the preferences system has changed in Thunderbird 68.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.2.4). 


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

It was a great and useful Add-on - but unfortunately is not compatible with Tb 68 - if you want to keep working with external HTML files, please try out my Add-on SmartTemplate4 instead - this supports external html files from version 2.3.

Ky përdorues ka edhe shqyrtime të tjera të kësaj shtese.

DOM Inspector

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

And more needed than ever before. In Tb45 there is a problem with editing the DOM, I raised [Bug 1267157] on it.

Stratini Artemia

Vlerësuar me 4 nga 5 yje të mundshëm were great. overwrites active tab color because the author doesn't understand specificity. putting !important behind every rule especially something as monstrous as this selector:
toolbox toolbar toolbarbutton:not(.plain)[type*="menu"]:not([open]):not([disabled]):not([checked="true"]) toolbarbutton:hover

makes it next to impossible for other Addons authors to style their controls. !important is just too heavy handed; specificity ftw.

Add-ons Manager - Version Number (discontinued)

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

This is fantastic and very useful especially for us Addons developers as having version information at a glance is vital for the development process. Well done!

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.0.5). 

ExQuilla for Exchange

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

This integrated fantastically well with my corporate Exchange account; now I can use all my favorite Thunderbird addons and have the space saving ergonomic layout of Tb, plus ease of folder traversing "Next Unread Email" and tabbed mail; I don't even have to be on VPN anymore to manage my mail.

Connecting to the EWS server on Thunderbird Release was an absolute breeze, the price is really good and definitely worth the added comfort and stability. As a developer I can appreciate that this is actually not an easy task to pull off, and Kent even offered some support for a Calendar provider.

In terms of productivity, this is a huge win over the free browser access, the money spent on this was basically made back on in time on the first day.

Now if we could just have another addon that connects the Thunderbird UI to the server side filters (Microsoft calls them "message rules") ! :-)

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (24.6). 


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Another good example for an Addon that adds just the right amount of "missing feature" to my beloved Thunderbird.

It works also very well in search results and removes one more unnecessary step from an operation that I do frequently. Thanks for adding the account column as well. I can see that this is going to be even more useful in the future as you have added custom fields so it looks it should be easy enough to add more useful information here in the future.

keep up the awesome work!

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (2.1.4). 


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

I just downloaded + installed this, and although I do not use conversation view, it is still very useful as it also adds the column to the search results view and removes one more unnecessary step from an operation that I do frequently. It would be even more useful to me if you could also [optionally] add an account column as well.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.0). 


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Thanks for supporting the SmartTemplate4 Addon in 0.8! This made both addons even more useful! I can now use fully styled html templates and the convenient user interface of selecting templates via single-click; whilst using the powerful variables available in SmartTemplate4. Definitely a very useful productivity tool.

With Stationery+ST4, it is very easy to set up form letters such as support replies and save tons of time when replying to support mail. We are thrilled about this new version.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (0.8.0).  Ky përdorues ka edhe shqyrtime të tjera të kësaj shtese.

Rise of the Tools

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Thanks a lot - I have based my own extension "Menu On Top" on your code, so this gave me a great head start. Personally I like the tools close to the window contents, but I absolutely despise having the menu there all the time; so thanks for a good tool idea with a great restartless execution.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (  Ky përdorues ka shqyrtim të mëparshëm të kësaj shtese.

browse POC

Vlerësuar me 1 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

key logger. careful.


Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

This is indispensable. Excellent replacement for signatures (which are a bit weak in Thunderbird). Also the HTML editor is really worth its weight in gold. It is a total time saver for standard replies (template).

Also support is very good and the author is open to good suggestions. Love the font preview feature - I didn't even know it was supplied by you, as I have been using Stationery for a long time now.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (0.7.8).  Ky përdorues ka edhe shqyrtime të tjera të kësaj shtese.

Rise of the Tools

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

.. for those people who like the toolbar on top. There is a bug that seems to break existing style sheets though - my extension QuickFolders (3.1) is one of the affected:
I have coded a workaround, but maybe you could contact me to work on fixing this bug?

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës ( 

Mail Summaries

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

This really adds a lot of value to the account and mail panes (when no message is selected). It would be great for us "Copy Sent to Current" users if it you could add some options for ignoring our own emails for items like "Top Authors". Recent Messages is a great feature as well for cherry-picking without browsing.

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (2.0). 

Nuvola TB

Vlerësuar me 5 nga 5 yje të mundshëm

Looks slick & polished. Also I like the integration for Add-Ons like QuickFolders!

Ky shqyrtim është për një version të mëparshëm të shtesës (1.13.1).  Ky përdorues ka shqyrtim të mëparshëm të kësaj shtese.