Historik Versionesh të Click-to-Play Manager

7 versione

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Version 1.4.1 42.4 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 42.0 - 56.*, Firefox 42.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.40.*

Compatibility update. Eliminates some deprecated interface usage and adds explicit multiprocess support.

Version 1.4 37.4 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 42.0 - 44.*, Firefox 42.0 - 48.*, SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.40.*

Compatibility update for Firefox 42. This is a big change because Firefox 42 now stores different permission entries for http and https origins, instead of storing them per-domain.

Version 37.5 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 17.0 - 19.*, Firefox 17.0 - 41.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.29.*

Fixed detection of Adobe Acrobat plugin. Patch provided by Mike Kaply.

Version 1.3.1-signed 37.5 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 17.0 - 19.*, Firefox 17.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.23.*

Added support for security-blocked plugins. Note that if you already added plugins to your allowed list, you'll need to remove them and add them again in order to include security blocks.

Version 37.5 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 17.0 - 19.*, Firefox 17.0 - 24.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.21.*

  • Compatibility fixes for Firefox 24 and above.

Version 1.2.1-signed 37.3 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 17.0 - 19.*, Firefox 17.0 - 23.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.19.*

  • Added support for Firefox 21 and above. Still missing support for Firefox for Android on 20 and above.

Version 1.1 40.5 KiB Funksionon me Firefox-i për Android 17.0 - 19.*, Firefox 17.0 - 21.*, SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.17.*

  • Added support for Firefox 20 on desktop. Android support coming up. Note: permissions added in Firefox 19 and below won't work on 20 and above. They'll have to be added again.
  • Some configuration enhancements, courtesy of mscherer.
  • Various bug fixes and improvements.