Historik Versionesh të AutoProxy-ng

5 versione

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Version 0.5.6 207.2 KiB Funksionon me Firefox 3.0.9 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b3pre - 3.3a4pre

1. fixed some minor bugs
2. fixed http radio button has no effect in proxy editor
3. improve proxy editor UI
4. added Shadowsocks as default proxy and Psiphon in default proxy setting

Version 0.5.5 207.1 KiB Funksionon me Firefox 3.0.9 - 26.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b3pre - 3.3a4pre

Reband as 0.5.4

Version 0.5.3 207.4 KiB Funksionon me Firefox 3.0.9 - 26.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b3pre - 3.3a4pre

updated reporting gfwlist to github fork
set socks_remote_dns to true: force DNS query by socks5 server by default.
Starting with firefox 53, network.proxy.type has to be 5 to use autoproxy's proxy setting

Version 0.5.2 207.4 KiB Funksionon me Firefox 3.0.9 - 26.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b3pre - 3.3a4pre

* fixed no response while adding new subscription gfwlist
* gfwlist url changed to gfwlist/gfwlist from github

Kudos to gfwlist/gfwlist's hard work!

Version 0.5.1 197.1 KiB Funksionon me Firefox 3.0.9 - 26.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.2a1pre, Thunderbird 3.0b3pre - 3.3a4pre