
Tietoja minusta

Nimi Wirek
Käyttäjä alkaen marras 24, 2015
Kehitettyjä lisäosia 0 lisäosaa
Average rating of developer's add-ons Ei vielä pisteytetty

Omat arviot

PHP Manual Search

Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

I see no difference between this and other very similar plug-in (PHP Function Reference 20130926
by Marcelo) except THIS ONE is older, 3 times larger (e.g. with some trashy reference to "http://kr.search.yahoo.com/" in the XML plug-in file!) and is worse described with a worse (less telling) screenshot.
It would be better if it was showing search suggestions for those with poor memory but it isn't.

PHP Function Reference

Arvosteltu: 5/5 tähteä

I see no difference between this and other very similar plug-in (PHP Manual Search 20080924 by Blueⓘ) except THIS ONE is newer, 3 times smaller (e.g. without trashy reference to "http://kr.search.yahoo.com/" in the XML plug-in file) and is better described with a better (more telling) screenshot.
It would be even better if it was showing search suggestions for those with poor memory. ;-)

Polski slownik poprawnej pisowni

Arvosteltu: 4/5 tähteä

Najnowsza w tym momencie wersja 1.0.20160228 (oraz poprzednia: 1.0.20150616) nadal się nie aktualizuje, ani nie instaluje na czysto (FirefoxPortable 7.0.1 pod WinXP) z powodu, że jest uszkodzona:
"The add-on downloaded from addons.mozilla.org could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt."
...i to pomimo oficjalnego info, że "Działa z Firefox 5.0 - 48.0".

Wcześniejsza wersja (1.0.20110621) działa OK w FirefoxPortable 7.0.1 pod WinXP!
Najnowsza wersja (1.0.20160228) działa bez żadnych problemów w Firefox 43.* pod Win7 - ot ciekawostka!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.20150616).