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Отношение к расширению двойственное:
- с одной стороны сделало меню браузера умным и логичным,
- с другой - работает само кривовато и конфликтует со звездой закладок в строке адреса.
Будем надеяться, что поправят...

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

It's good add-on but somehow in new FF versions it's Interfering with Bookmarks Star in address bar. please resolve it ASAP.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

dabruro ... and others... I posted about this bookmarks problem and this extension.... and also pointed out where a working copy of this extension can be found... READ down the reviews and you will find it.

Este usuario tiene 2 valoraciones anteriores de este complemento.

Puntuado con 2 de 5 estrellas

This was a great addon, but it breaks bookmarking in recent versions of Firefox (15 & probably many others). I even made a brand new empty profile with *only* this single addon (no conflicts possible) and it still won't put up the bookmark editing dialog. A bookmark gets set but no dialog to edit it. See the Support site -- this issue has been open for 7 months without comment from the developer.

Is there anyone out there who can please make a new version of this addon that doesn't break bookmarking?

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I'm using FF 3.6.28 and having no problems with ANY add-ons including "Compact Menu" 2 4.3.1
and "Add Bookmark Here ²" Version 3.6.20101102.
Temporarily installed Firefox 16.0.2 as a trial ... all add-ons were updated by FF.
I noticed that with "Compact Menu" installed .... "Add Bookmark Here ²" would not function.
I have since gone back to FF 3.6.28 and all add-ons are again functioning 100%.
I like both "Compact Menu" and .... "Add Bookmark Here ²" and continue to use them in FF 3.6.28.
NOTE: I've placed the same review for "Add Bookmark Here ²" and "Compact Menu" ... the developers' non-English site not accessible.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

I still use this in v17 for the tiny menu icon. Combined with disabling the menu bar and putting all my buttons in the nagivation toolbar, it saves a lot of screen real-estate. I hate the orange Fx button - or ANY application crap in the titlebar as it messes up my Windows setup.

Este usuario tiene 3 valoraciones anteriores de este complemento.

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after release Firefox 17 this addons no longer hide Menu bar

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

This was an excellent add-on in it's day, but I thought I would point out something I just now discovered for myself: for all of you who come here wishing this didn't mess with your bookmark functionality, I'm betting the add-on maker isn't updating it because this functionality has been incorporated into Firefox itself. If you disable this add-on and restart, then right-click on any of the toolbars and uncheck "menu bar" then you get an orange Firefox button beside the tab bar, exactly as this extension gives you. There's no need for other versions of this extension, unless you like the cosmetic look of those alternatives, or you want to customize what appears in the menu that pops out when you click the Firefox button.

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Это расширение конфликтует с расширением Add Bookmark Here ² - не дает редактировать место расположения закладки.

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

Indeed this extension now prevents FF 14 from asking where to save new bookmarks. Please fix this. I've been using the extension since it's release and need it. :)

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

used it for a long time but i have just disabled it till a fix for this problem...
as this addon break bookmarking function in firefox 13 and 14..
clicking star icon bookmark the page, but when click star icon again to edit the bookmark popup menu doesn't show to edit or remove the bookmark..

a Fix for this will be so appreciated. Thank you.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

This addon is essential for anyone using a netbook and wanting maximum screen space. However I have just had to roll back to firefox 11 for now as in firefox 14 this addon doesn't appear to work properly. Hopefully fixed soon as I couldn't live without it :)

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

This plugin is a real space-saver on smaller screen... The only flaw I'm experiencing, is it lacks support for Lightning's 'edit event' dialog... Would be nice to have this added!!

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

If this addon is enabled, CTRL+M or clicking on 'bookmark this page' won't work.

This is impacting the version 4.3.1

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

1) Since version 13 when I do I bookmark this page over the box or I could change the name and put what I want. It happens automatically.

2) I open this box on one of the links saved in bookmarks is going to see the property. After I click cancel on the box should close but nothing happens I have to click on the cross to close it.

After having Compact Menu 2 4.3.1 Disable all returned to normal.
Thank you to fix this problem.

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas


me too after many dis/enabling of all my addons
have discovered the bug on bm button w/ FF13
as signaled by Michael2012 bizhkom and denniscuddles.

But ,waiting for a real fix from Milly, i've also tried some biz
and found that crazily a previous version work better
apparently w/o that bug.
Thus for me ,under Unix/Linux, CM2-4.0 is fine w/ FF13.

Moreover you have to disable the compatibility check
coz that version is declared working only for FF3.0 - 4.0b8pre ...


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Bookmark conflict
Compact menu has been one of my essential add-ons for years. Reluctantly, I'm disabling it until it lets me edit my bookmarks again. I do hope my wish is fulfilled as I really do miss it.

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

The same problem: after upgrading to Firefox 13.0 beta is not working button (star) "Add page to bookmarks" in the address bar.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

With last update of FF 13.0 beta I face a bookmark conflict: it is no more possible to edit while saving a new bookmark nor through the star icon near the address in the navigation bar.

Puntuado con 5 de 5 estrellas

Hello, Milly! Many thanks for this Extension!
I'm think, it can be finally usefull if you may add to it a slight improvement in the foolproof style. Blocking please option, who present on Menu, who can be switch off displaying Pane who has the main Meny button like blue Globe. It is need because an user currently can close the Pane, who contains button to control main Menu of the Mozilla browser. It's totally destroying browser work!.. And these careless user is forced to disable the profile roughly extension to regain access to the menu... That not everyone knows how to put into practice...
Many-many thanks! :)