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17.632 usuarios
By popular demand, supports SORTING filters alphabetically.13.126 usuarios -
When using Thunderbird with a Gmail account, it is not possible to guess which Gmail labels a message was applied (and in which folders it can be found). This extension provides this information.877 usuarios -
517 usuarios
Quickly tag selected messages from a large list of existing tags using autocompletion, or create and add new tags, or clear them all.
Optionally tag incoming reply with tags of messages replied to.431 usuarios -
138 usuarios
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78 usuarios
By popular demand, supports SORTING filters alphabetically.13.126 usuarios -
17.632 usuarios
When using Thunderbird with a Gmail account, it is not possible to guess which Gmail labels a message was applied (and in which folders it can be found). This extension provides this information.877 usuarios -
Quickly tag selected messages from a large list of existing tags using autocompletion, or create and add new tags, or clear them all.
Optionally tag incoming reply with tags of messages replied to.431 usuarios -
517 usuarios
Agregados recientemente Ver todos »
81 usuarios
It will Check to see if you have a "MyFolders" folder under your INBOX.
If yes it will create two child folders:
- Open
- Closed
IT will sync All Open Folder every 5 minutes15 usuarios -
Quickly tag selected messages from a large list of existing tags using autocompletion, or create and add new tags, or clear them all.
Optionally tag incoming reply with tags of messages replied to.431 usuarios -
When using Thunderbird with a Gmail account, it is not possible to guess which Gmail labels a message was applied (and in which folders it can be found). This extension provides this information.877 usuarios -
138 usuarios
Ver las 11 extensiones en Etiquetas »
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