Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Could you please make it compatible with multiprocess firefox as it only seems to work in the main UI process but not in tabs.

Αυτός ο χρήστης έχει υποβάλει παλιότερη αξιολόγηση για το πρόσθετο.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Неудобно то, что клавиатурное сокращение (Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Q) не срабатывает в русской раскладке. Обычно сокращения работают не смотря на раскладку.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Does not work in e10s. :(

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

I use this occasionally to transliterate blocks of text, and it's very useful.

For better or for worse, it's also geared towards native Cyrillic users in that it uses the F2 key, and it's happened to me that I've pressed that accidentally over the location bar and gotten rather confused when I couldn't "escape" from it (until I stumbled upon the fine manual). Other than that bit of nuisance it's fine.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

A great extension, have been using it for years. However, in the last few days, I cannot type with transilteration in Facebook comment fields. Also, the F2 key (used to switch mode) does not work in Google Tables.

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As far as I can tell the issue is in facebook code.

It installed a key listener on the comment field (for whatever sinister purpose it needs it I do not know, please make your own conspiracy theories ;)) Transliterator sends backspace keys to the input field to replace original input with mapped characters. Facebook ignores the backspace keypress events, and echoes back what it has logged after transliterator is done.

re: F2 - There is no global shortcut registry in the world, I cannot tell Google that F2 is already reserved for something else. So - change F2 to some other key or use the menu.

Come to think of it, Google Sheets is a perfect candidate for full-window transliteration mode ( Shift-F2 by default ) - this turns on transliteration for all cells instead of just one at a time.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Yep, came here to say that there is an issue with Facebook when writing in Russian and only in comments. It adds Latin letters in reverse of typed word for transliteration and it happens when you hit backspace, Del, or use '. So please take a look. I'm sure Facebook added something to their writing comments component as in all other places it keeps working flawlessly.
I've been using this add-on for years and it's definitely 5 star add-on! Thank you!

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As far as I can tell, new version of FB installs a faulty key listener that does fully process generated keypress events.

Please report to facebook that there is an issue with a new version. I will do my best to find a work-around but so far I have not found any.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great add-on. Have been using it daily for many years in Firefox and Thunderbird, it's become quite irreplaceable. But today something happened while typing Cyrillic in Facebook. Never seen it before. While I press F2 and type Cyrillic text, some Latin words are added to my text. Something is off. Not sure if it's Facebook or something else.

PS. I checked again. When I type Cyrillic in my status, everything works fine as usual. When I type in Comments, then there's where the problem is. It just keeps adding stuff to my text.

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Nothing has changed in the last few weeks. Maybe facebook added a keymapper of their own. I'll take a look

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

In the option it is possible to change the key-mapping!

Thank you!!!

Огромное спасибо!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

то что надо :)

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Best of Best!!! It's my app # 1, I'm using it everyday for many years, highly recommend!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great job! I use it to convert Esperanto x-system to letters with hats.
The toggle keyboard mode makes it perfect.

Bonege! Mi uzas ĝin por konverti esperantan ikso-sistemon al la supersignaj literoj (ĉapeloj).

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Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Works fine, just as it should. Just two things that might be improved in a future version:
1 - Switching between various languages should be more straight forward, i.e. without having to go into add-ons/settings each time.
2 - It should be possible to transliterate a whole page immediately, without having to highlight the text first.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

A fantastic add-on which is very useful because you can customise mappings and hotkeys, you may need to relaunch firefox after changing hotkeys. It works extremely fast and seems a very well-coded, lightweight application. I use it for Arabic. Great job!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I use Transliterator in BlueGriffon for transliteration from Serbian Cyrillic to Serbian Latin and vice versa. Thank you Alex.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

It works as described, customizable and very useful.
The main pain from built-in Keyboard Modes - that they are global and affects not only input fields, but also hot keys etc., that isn't so desirable.
This addon resolves this issue - it affects only chosen input field.
But anyway I have few proposals that can make this addon more attractive.
1. Is it possible to add "sticky" toggling that will affect all input fields and will keep the Keyboard Mode after page refreshing or even loading another url? Currently each time when page is reloading or user switches to another tab, he has to toggle Keyboard Mode, that isn't so comfortable.
2. The Cyrillic Keyboard has more letters and therefore it must occupy some useful keys, for example, "=,+,[,]," etc.
So, if I need to use them I have to toggle Keyboard Mode, press the desired key and toggle Keyboard Mode once more and it is not so comfortable.
Is it possible when the input field is toggled to Transliterator's Keyboard to use, let say, Alt key for "hot reverting to original keyboard", i.e. "=" will be "ь", but Alt-= will be "=" etc.
Of course, all hot keys with Alt should be suppressed.
3. Regarding creating own layout. In your site you explain how to do this. But it is difficult for non-advanced users to create by themselves such files.
Is it possible to put in your site an example of such file, for instance - layout for "ЯЖЕРТЫ", or link to such file or how to get it from addon (it should be anywhere in addon), that user can copy it and use as template where he will change some things.
It would be better if addon's UI will allow it - for example user will be able to copy one from listed layouts, rename it and in View would be able to edit.
Thank you

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Hi, thanks for the review

3 - enter "about:config" into the address field, press the "I'll be careful..." button, type "transliterator.layout" into the search box, and you'll see all the layouts. Copy and paste as you wish.

1 and 2 may be possible (sticky keyboard mode is at the top of my TODO list) but unfortunately I don't have enough free time to work on this. Maybe when i retire... only 30 or so years to go :)

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Super! Funktioniert auch in Thunderbird!
Ваша программа убедила меня наконец перейти окончательно на почтовый клиент и не использовать больше для почты браузер! Спасибо :)

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

После установки Линукса возникла проблема с транслитерациеиь. Теперь такоиь проблемы нет! Спасибо за аддон!!!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great extension! Use it everyday for web browsing and emails! The best available! Alex, Please make it compatible with Chrome!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great! Have been using it for a while.

What I frequently do is type in cyrillic, highlight text, copy, paste, highlight the newly pasted text and transliterate.

A great option would be Transliterate and Paste Clipboard text!


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This plug is very convenient for multilinguals but the only shortcut that works for me is ctrl alt t. Fix will be appreciated

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