Προσαρμογή του Firefox

Add-ons let millions of Firefox users enhance their browsing experience. If you know HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, you already have all the necessary skills to make a great add-on.

Μάθετε πώς να δημιουργήσετε ένα πρόσθετο

Μετατροπή επέκτασης Chrome

Firefox supports WebExtension APIs, which in most cases are compatible with the extension APIs supported by Chrome, Opera and Edge, so your extensions will run in Firefox with just a few changes.

Μάθετε πώς

Δημοσιεύστε το πρόσθετό σας

Have an add-on ready? Submit your extension or theme to be listed on addons.mozilla.org or sign and distribute your extension on your own.


Πόροι για μια επιτυχή αρχή

You've built your extension and are ready to publish it. What comes next? Check out our tips for creating an appealing listing page, getting your extension featured on addons.mozilla.org, finding answers to development questions, and staying up-to-date with news and events relevant to extension developers.

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