Úspěšná rozšíření


Thunderbook Vyžaduje restart

Export messages (including RSS items) as e-books.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (3)
3 194 uživatelů

Attachment Extractor

Extract attachments from selected e-mails!

1. Select one or more messages
2. Right click and choose Attachment Extractor
3. Select a template for filenames and target folder
4. Done

Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček (71)
9 387 uživatelů

Extract 'Em! Doporučené

Extracts attachments from messages within an account or folder, with the option to select specific attachments. Extracted attachments are saved to a .zip file.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (3)
2 426 uživatelů

BiDi Mail UI

Direction control and BiDi-related charset misdetection correction

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček (53)
1 834 uživatelů


It's an extension that changes the format of reply header.
You can choose between the standard Thunderbird reply header, a detailed reply header or a Customized reply header.
You can configure it in the Tools ->Add-on Preferences -> changeQuote.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (23)
1 530 uživatelů

Customizable LDAP AddressBook Auto Complete Vyžaduje restart

Provides (restores) customizability of auto complete items for LDAP addressbook items, and more features.

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0 uživatelů

ThunderStats! Your Thunderbird Statistics!

Do you remember the old good Eudora statistics? Do you miss them?
Using this addon you can finally keep an eye on how you use your beloved Thunderbird!

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (14)
371 uživatelů

Dorando keyconfig Vyžaduje restart

A modified Dorando's addon to rebind keyboard shortcuts. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement, keeping your old settings. (See details for upgrade instructions.)

As of version 2016.2, Custom keys (using custom JavaScript) work again!

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček (65)
270 uživatelů

RadioGNU Now Playing

Show what I’m listening from RadioGNU

0 uživatelů

RadioGNU Protocol Vyžaduje restart

Assists to setup a chat account for RadioGNU

0 uživatelů

gLOC for Thunderbird Vyžaduje restart

gLOC - a link that lets you find your way! Once you create your own gLOCs at https://app.gloc.io, you can easily insert them into your emails in Thunderbird. You can also use gLOCs someone else shared with you. Product of Wayz Solutions GmbH Germany.

1 uživatel

Kukkuniiaat Vyžaduje restart

A Greenlandic spell checker for Mozilla products.

1 uživatel

Gravatars Vyžaduje restart

Show a column with the Gravatar-picture and sender-name in email folders.

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5 uživatelů

Archived-At Vyžaduje restart

Add menu items for copying Archived-At (RFC 5064) URLs from emails

0 uživatelů

Kapaza Feed Vyžaduje restart

Receive Kapaza ads as any RSS items.

0 uživatelů

manoderecha Vyžaduje restart

Assists to setup a chat account for manoderecha

0 uživatelů

NirvanaHQ Vyžaduje restart

NirvanaHQ for Thunderbird

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0 uživatelů

Notificaciones de chat

Muestra una notificación cuando se recibe un mensaje de chat.

0 uživatelů

Toggle Quotes (Collapse Quotes)

Adds a Toggle Quotes button, allows to collapse quotes.

Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček (1)
147 uživatelů

Show Calendar Week Vyžaduje restart

Shows the calendar week Thunderbird/Lightning calendar's moth and multi-week view.

Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček (6)
2 uživatelé