Meer oor my
Naam | steva |
Tuisblad | |
Gebruiker sedert | Nov. 17, 2010 |
Aantal byvoegings ontwikkel | 2 byvoegings |
Gemiddelde gradering van ontwikkelaar se byvoegings | Rated 5 out of 5 stars |
Byvoegings wat ek gemaak het
My resensies
Dark-Bright Aero
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
In your addon description you forgot to add that you used graphic elements of FT DeepDark theme and copied 99% of its design without asking permission to its author. And plus you are even asking for support when you created absolutely NOTHING...I don t know what crossed your mind when you did all this... ?
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (1.0).Force RTL
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks :) This is a very useful addon for me :) Keep up the good work
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2.1.1-signed).FireFTP
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks a lot for this update for FF4 :) I m really glad that I can use it again :))
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging ( Inspector
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks ! Thanks ! Thanks and thanks !! :))) With this addon, creating a theme becomes much easier.
Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging ( eie versamelings te bou, is 'n Mozilla-byvoegingsrekening nodig.