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  • New UNEC

    Nog nie gegradeer nie
    New UNEC is a browser extension that transforms the UNEC student panel into a modern and user-friendly interface. It dynamically replaces the existing webpage’s HTML, CSS, and JS with an improved design, featuring automatic dark mode, language.
    0 gebruikers
  • AutoReplace

    Nog nie gegradeer nie
    This AddOn offers a function of autocorrection / auto text replacement. You can save a shortcut and a replacement and it will replaced automaticly if you type your new eMail text.
    59 gebruikers
  • Hawk for Thunderbird is an AI-powered plugin designed to generate clear and personalized emails, translate content, fix grammar errors, and streamline your email communication workflow.
    248 gebruikers
  • Utilisez Antidote là où vous écrivez! Soumettez un texte au correcteur, et les changements que vous y ferez seront automatiquement appliqués au texte d’origine dans Thunderbird. (Vous devez détenir un accès à Antidote.)
    783 gebruikers
  • Copy the timestamp and/or email addresses of the sender, recipient, etc. to the clipboard in various formats.
    50 gebruikers
  • Aify

    Rated 5 out of 5 stars (10)
    Rewrite or generate text based on promps using OpenAI's API.

    Configure on settings page (make sure to save) and start to use when writing your emails!

    You must have a payment method on record with OpenAI and an API key. OpenAI charge for use.
    367 gebruikers

See all 97 extensions in Taalsteun »