PasteHyperlink se weergawegeskiedenis

5 versions

Wees versigtig met die ou weergawes!

Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 1.5.3 48.6 KiB Werk met SeaMonkey 2.0 - *, Thunderbird 13.0 - 52.0

  • Stopped working at Thunderbird 45, so this is fixed now!
  • Added a true German Translation, courtesy of Joseph Bach
  • Added PasteHyperlink Buttons to the Format Toolbar
  • Added option to toggle the new buttons on the Format Toolbar
  • Added PasteHyperlink Options link to the Message Compose Tools Menu
  • Removed the first-run adding of the Compose Toolbar Buttons (don't need both by default)
  • Added FetchHyperlink feature for copying hyperlinks from linked text
  • Fixed part of the French translation

Weergawe 1.5.2 35.0 KiB Werk met SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.17.*, Thunderbird 13.0 - 31.*

  • Added feature for removing a hyperlink by cursor location so you don't have to select the entire link. You can still remove hyperlinks by selecting portions of the text, too.
  • Added feature where if nothing is selected, the contents of the clipboard will be inserted and hyperlinked.
  • Pasted email address will now be trimmed of spaces.
  • Added a true French translation.
  • Fixed the sanitization of inserted html.

Weergawe 1.4.2 34.4 KiB Werk met SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 13.0 - 24.*

  • Fixed a bug whereby the linkify setting would not stay if you set it in the options.
  • Fixed a bug whereby certain confirmation prompts would error out the functionality.
  • Fixed a bug whereby the url-encoding caused the linkified email to be 'undefined'.
  • fixed bug with url-encoding option causing invalid links (changed encodeURIComponent to encodeURI

Weergawe 1.4 34.3 KiB Werk met SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 13.0 - 18.*

  • added ability to paste an email address as a mailto link.
  • added preference to toggle aforesaid function
  • updated versioning to allow for Thunderbird 18+

Weergawe 1.3.1 34.0 KiB Werk met SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 13.0 - 17.*

updated Polish Translation