
Music World Anonymous Quick Button Vyžaduje reštart

A quick button link to MusicWorldAnonymous.com. Music World Anonymous is a site about helping bands find fans for free!

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Search for Sender Vyžaduje reštart

Adds two items to the threadpane context menu, 'Search for this sender' and 'Search for this subject'. This basically takes the sender or subject of the selected message, copies it to the QuickSearch window and starts the search.

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23 používateľov

Solpets Quick Button Vyžaduje reštart

A quick button link to the virtual pet site, Solpets.com.

1 používateľ

Telephone Message Vyžaduje reštart

Quickly and easy way to inform someone of a missed call. This addon allows you to email the person your passing the message onto, collecting their email address from your address book, with a collection of ready made messages.

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4 používatelia