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ZavrieťHistória verzií Yet Another Remove It Permanently
3 verzie
Opatrne so starými verziami!
Tieto verzie sú zobrazené na ukážku a testovacie účely. Vždy by ste mali používať najnovšiu verziu tohto doplnku.
* Using an XPath with the `Add to history'-feature, to allow adding multiple links at once.
* Allow blocking of scripts.
- Zdrojový kód vydaný pod licenciou GNU General Public License, verzia 3.0
- Zdrojový kód vydaný pod licenciou GNU General Public License, verzia 3.0
* Block content with regular expressions.
* Set/modify element-attributes.
* Write scripts for elements.
* Modify request-/response-headers.
* Redirect content.
* Inject Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.
* Modify pages; before they're loaded.
* Extend page-rules and thereby create page-dependencies.
* Import/export page-rules in order to share with others.
* Yarip translates some XPaths into CSS and injects them - before the page is loaded - in order to prevent page-flickering.
* Yarip provides a content-monitor to simplify the creation of content-rules.
* Yarip provides a page-manager for editing all existing rules.
* Yarip allows to block remote content; when pages are visited for the first time.
* Yarip allows to extend existing page-rules; when pages are visited for the first time.
For a more complete and technical list of changes refer to the ChangeLog.
- Zdrojový kód vydaný pod licenciou GNU General Public License, verzia 3.0
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