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ZavrieťRecenzie doplnku Yet Another Remove It Permanently od Nils Lindemann
Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek
This is the addon i need. Would love to have it in56+ too :-)
Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek
The Idea is that of RIP or AdBlock + Element Hiding Helper: Remove elements fom the page (But YaRIP is simpler to use).
Select elements to remove (or to whitelist) and the addon autogenerates XPaths, which then can be edited by hand (often not necessary). A basic knowledge of XPath, eg the XPath Syntax tutorial at w3schools, is enough. YaRIP also supports regular expressions.
It is also possible to change incoming and outgoing headers, block ressources from being loaded, redirect pages, tweak the page stream before it is loaded, inject CSS and Javascript, and more.
Page rules can be extended, so that generic rules do not have to be defined more than once.
Ak chcete vytvárať svoje vlastné kolekcie, musíte mať zriadený účet Mozilla Add-ons.
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