História verzií QuickOWL

6 verzií

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Verzia 1.6 45.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 a vyššie

1. Support for adding separator to easily group options in QuickOWL contextmenu
2. Added little writeup for Add URL & Add Separator in Help section
3. Added basic validation for URL before selected text

Verzia 1.5 44.6 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 a vyššie

1. Based on the inputs from Thunderbird Addon review team, the use of Sieve Shell API to open URLs in browser has been removed and instead Thunderbird's native openDefaultBrowser API is used. This is to extend the compatibility of the addon.
2. Removed the maxcompatibility setting, as the APIs are no more restricted

Verzia 1.4 46.2 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 - 99.0

1. Updated the .csv based file export & import to use .txt format, because the .csv file exported with separator as pipe symbol | gets updated to use comma , when edited in .csv editors (like Microsoft Excel). Once the .csv file separator gets updated to comma, further import from that .csv file fails. So, now the .txt format has been made as defacto format for export and import.
2. Help section has been updated about the usage of .txt file instead of .csv file
3. An example on sample data of .txt file with separator as pipe | symbol has been added in Import URLs section
4. Font size has been updated to use 1 rem instead of 14px
5. Font family has been updated to use system fonts, based on an article from Hacker News (https://systemfontstack.com/)
6. Extension title summary has been enhanced to refer to multiple web links
7. Added a note on "Save Changes" button usage in case of "Add URL" & "Delete Selected URLs"

Verzia 1.3 45.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 - 99.0

  1. Fixed the issue of context menu not appearing upon restart of the mail client
  2. Rearranged the position of help section below the input fields to make it easy to copy and paste the sample inputs.

Verzia 1.2 45.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 - 99.0

1. Ironed out font settings across html pages of the extension
2. Disabled logging of outputs in browser console using condition,
the reasoning behind this to help developers who regularly use browser console
to diagnose issues. The output from QuickOWL extension may pollute the console.
3. Fixed grammatical mistakes in options page
4. Fixed issue with clearing all URLs

Verzia 1.0 44.8 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 78.0 - 99.0