História verzií Y U no validate

6 verzií

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Verzia 2013052407 21.2 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.8

Verzia 2013052403 21.2 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 38.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.8

fixed URLs

Verzia 2013052401.1-signed 21.2 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.8

Added SeaMonkey (patch by Henrik 'Harzilein' Paulini)

Verzia 2012032501.1-signed 21.0 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 56.*

Added license.

Verzia 2011101601.1-signed 1.0 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 11.*

Bumped compatibility to 8.0. Tested that it still disables the tick. No code changes.

Verzia 2011010201 2.0 KiB Funguje s Firefox 3.5 - 3.6.*

Bump Firefox compatibility tag to 3.6.*. No changes to code needed.