Venetan — historia wersji

31 wersji

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Wersja 332.9 KiB

Wersja 2.2.0 338.6 KiB

Wersja 2.1.2 338.4 KiB

Wersja 2.1.1 332.0 KiB

Wersja 2.1.0 317.1 KiB

  • added 3639 new words to the dictionary
  • corrected some errors on the accents, plus many sparse errors
  • added corrections on m before b and p
  • added the Vitoriexe variant

Wersja 2.0.0 302.8 KiB

Wersja 1.4.4 275.8 KiB

Wersja 1.4.3 269.2 KiB

Wersja 1.4.2 263.1 KiB

  • added 1172 new words to the dictionary
  • added rule for pejoratives in -ato/a

Wersja 1.4.1 259.6 KiB

  • migrated to LibreOffice 5.2
  • added 530 new words to the dictionary
  • processed the dictionary "Giovanni da Schio. Saggio del dialetto vicentino, uno dei veneti, ossia, raccolta di voci usate a Vicenza, per servire alla storia del suo popolo e della sua civiltà. Estratto d'opera assai maggiore. Padova : s.n., 1855."

Wersja 1.4.0 257.6 KiB

  • heavily changed the production rules including the most common prefixes
  • added rules for the interrogatives of some verbs, for the production of final consonants
  • added 2268 new words to the dictionary
  • processed the dictionary "Mutinelli, Fabio. Lessico veneto: compilato per agevolare la lettura della storia dell'antica repubblica veneta e lo studio dei documenti ad esse relativi. Venezia : s.n., 1852."
  • processed the dictionary "Contarini, Pietro. Dizionario tascabile delle voci e frasi particolari del dialetto veneziano. Venezia : s.n., 1852."

Wersja 1.3.6 265.3 KiB

  • added 1270 new words to the dictionary
  • added missing procomplementar forms
  • processed the dictionary "Angeli, Gaetano. Piccolo vocabolario veronese e toscano. Verona : s.n., 1821."
  • processed the dictionary "Dizionario tascabile del dialetto veneziano: come viene usitato anche nelle provincie di Padova di Vicenza e di Treviso, coi termini toscani corrispondenti or ora abbreviato e ridotto a comodità di tutti. Padova : s.n., 1847."

Wersja 1.3.5 269.9 KiB

  • added 2204 new words to the dictionary
  • added the rule for the altered substantives in stra-
  • processed the dictionary "Bortolan, Domenico. Vocabolario del dialetto antico vicentino (dal secolo XIV a tutto il secolo XVI). Vicenza : s.n., 1893."
  • processed the dictionary "Venturi, Giuseppe. Saggio di un dizionario veronese-italiano. Verona : s.n., 1810."

Wersja 1.3.4 258.9 KiB

  • added 3027 new words to the dictionary
  • added gerund in -nto for the Viŧenŧa variant

Wersja 1.3.3a 245.2 KiB

  • added 137 new words to the dictionary
  • resolved the workaround IGNORE ' that serves the purpose to match words that begins or ends with an apostrophe (like 'lora or indo'), now substituted with a real apostrophe, not a quotation mark which is ignored by spellchecker
  • rules simplification
  • added rules for diminutives and truncated words
  • completed the three dictionaries of Patriarchi, Gasparo. Vocabolario veneziano e padovano co’ termini e mòdi corrispondenti toscani. Padova, first edition 1775, second edition 1796, third edition 1821.

Wersja 1.3.2 245.4 KiB

  • added 796 new words to the dictionary

Wersja 1.3.1 242.7 KiB

  • added 986 new words to the dictionary

Wersja 1.3.0 226.9 KiB

  • added 381 new words to the dictionary
  • added some missing interrogatives on verbs
  • corrected the generation of plurals from substantives ending in -jo

Wersja 1.2.3 224.1 KiB

  • added 1820 new words to the dictionary
  • revised some word generations for the northern variant

Wersja 1.2.2 215.9 KiB

  • added 277 new words to the dictionary
  • added words beginning with [DFJLNT]h to the recognized words
  • added separation of apostrophe attached to the following word (substitution with space)
  • merge of "sostantivi plurali femenili" with "ajetivi de tèrŧa klase"

Wersja 1.2.1 204.8 KiB

Wersja 1.2.0 204.7 KiB

Wersja 1.1.2 203.2 KiB

Wersja 1.1.1 199.2 KiB

added 312 new words to the dictionary

Wersja 1.1.0a 198.2 KiB

Wersja 1.0.5 195.2 KiB

- added 21 new words to the dictionary
- corrected the set of rules for the generation of verbs

Wersja 1.0.4 141.7 KiB

- added 239 new words to the dictionary
- revised the set of rules for the generation of numerals and verbs

Wersja 1.0.3 260.7 KiB

- added 1068 new words to the dictionary

Wersja 1.0.2 256.4 KiB

- added 375 new words to the dictionary
- revised the set of rule to produce the verbs' declination

Wersja 1.0.1 194.9 KiB