תוצאות חיפוש עבור התג ״photo״

Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

דירוג 4 מתוך 5 כוכבים (25)
6 משתמשים

Awesome ldapInfoShow

Show contact photo and other info from Local Dir, Addressbook, LDAP, Facebook, LinkedIn, Flickr, Gravatar etc

דירוג 4 מתוך 5 כוכבים (14)
69 משתמשים

Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

דירוג 4 מתוך 5 כוכבים (15)
14 משתמשים

Display Contact Photo נדרשת הפעלה מחדש

Displays the contact photo/image/picture of the sender/recipient while reading or composing a message. Supports photos in a local folder and the 'Face' header for embedded photos. The add-on adds new generic photos and many styling possibilities.

דירוג 4 מתוך 5 כוכבים (117)
8 משתמשים

Slideshow נדרשת הפעלה מחדש

Displays a slideshow of picture attachments. When email has attached pictures, it displays "View as Slideshow" button next to the attachment. Button click pops a slideshow window with all the images, allowing you to zoom in/out, save...

דירוג 5 מתוך 5 כוכבים (71)
144 משתמשים

Gravatars נדרשת הפעלה מחדש

Show a column with the Gravatar-picture and sender-name in email folders.

דירוג 4 מתוך 5 כוכבים (2)
4 משתמשים

Auto Avatars

Add-on for Thunderbird that automatically populates contact photos with their Libravatar or Gravatar photo. Includes support for custom instances and federation!

טרם דורג
111 משתמשים