
Acerca de mí

Información del desarrollador
Nombre 22-7ths
Ubicación Midwest USA
Ocupación Programming/Administration
Usuario desde Abr. 24, 2018
Número de complementos desarrollados 0 complementos
Calificación media de sus complementos Sin puntuar aún

Mis revisiones

Full Address Column

Puntuado con 4 de 5 estrellas

This extension does exactly what I wanted, but not in the best way. I am not sure if it is possible, but making it a mouse hover-over instead of adding more columns would be ideal. Or, allowing both: Additional column(s) and/or hover-over. (If you are not clear on what I mean: You should be able to hover over the "From:" field and see the @sender/email addr). Yahoo webmail is a good example.)

Esta valoración es de una versión anterior del complemento (1.0.4). 


Puntuado con 2 de 5 estrellas

Does what it's suppose to do after setting it up.
(I use spamcop.)

But WHY(?), FFS, do you collect ALL junk emails in a folder at once no matter what you have highlighted/selected!?!
Do not do this - bad design.

It should be based on emails SELECTED.
NOT sweeping up/reporting the entire junk folder. Why in the world would you think this was a better idea than simply letting user highlight them?
** At least give an option/setting to turn it off! **

TIP/HINT for a new version:
CTRL-A Selects all in a folder. If I were to click 'report' after doing this, THEN it should attach ALL I have selected *regardless of email being marked junk by TB*.
If I select 1 email it should report a single email as attachment.
If I select a group or all, it attaches those.

I just don't understand why you thought it was a good idea to blindly report EVERYTHING at once. ALWAYS LEAVE IT UP TO THE USER. You are trying to 'automate' too much. These are good ideas to keep in mind no matter what you development in future. Don't over automate. (Or at least allow an 'out' via settings.)