

名稱 trss
加入日期 July 3, 2008
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 評分: 3 / 5 顆星


Lock the Fox

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

This is a great add-on required as a feature in firefox and partially satisfies it's purpose as a security add-on.

The main problem is the key extensions.lockthefox.currpass in about:config which reveals the password as it is without any kind of encryption what-so-ever.

Also as has been told by others the password being visible as it is typed and viewable in Options too.

The other is a bug which has already been said.. the one regarding password prompt for each new window being opened by clicking links.