
名稱 JAB
加入日期 Oct. 23, 2011
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分


Copy Sent to Current

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Hi, the program runs well with 3.1 version but from time to time it has a strange behaviour: writing an email normally appears a box "Copy message to" where you can choose what to do, but sometimes that box does not appear, so you have to go to "Preferences" change the selection and then it appears again. Nevertheless it is a great app

此意見為舊版本 (3.1) 的附加元件。  此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 4 筆評論

Copy Sent to Current

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

No problem at all, I found a way to indicate “No copy” for each email and works great, that’s the point so no hurry with the buttons, thanks!

此意見為舊版本 (3.0) 的附加元件。  對於這個附加元件,此使用者的其他意見

Copy Sent to Current

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

The add-on is great but once you move to 78, you do not find the same options, for instance, in "write" an email I was able to add some additional buttons that helped me to decide if I want to send the email without copying into send folder in order to save space, but now those buttons are not there anymore.

此意見為舊版本 (3.0) 的附加元件。  對於這個附加元件,此使用者的其他意見

Quick Folder Move

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Honestly I do not know why it is included a Support email that is rejected (it does not work) or a non-existen support website. If Phillipp Kewisch is not going to update it to TB68 is fine, but it could be great at least to know it in order to decide what to do.
It is a pity because Quick Folder Move is a great add-on and required to work with TB.

此意見為舊版本 (1.6.1) 的附加元件。  此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 1 筆評論

Copy Sent to Current

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

It is a great add-on, helps you to order your emails easily but unfortunately 2.0.0 version (although it is TB68 compatible) does not work, once installed without problems it does not show the button to select the folder.

此意見為舊版本 (1.2.4) 的附加元件。  對於這個附加元件,此使用者的其他意見

Quick Folder Move

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

it does not work for TB68, I hope it will be updated soon, it is a great add-on

此意見為舊版本 (1.6.1) 的附加元件。 

Keychain Services Integration

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

With 39.0 version of FF it does not work fine. Buttons from toolbar such as Download, Preferences does not work (only via Menu).

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

Extra Folder Columns

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

It is a great add-on. I have been using with TB 17.x and works great and helps a lot to control the number of emails and the unread ones from the total.

However, I have just moved to PostBox, similar to TB, several TB add-on work on PostBox just tweaking the rdf file however, this add-on -although I can install it- it does not show any information.

It would be great to make it possible also in PostBox. Thanks!

此意見為舊版本 (1.1.4) 的附加元件。 

Copy Sent to Current

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

It is very useful in order to avoid storing useless emails sent however, when you use a shared smtp server for several accounts, if you choose a folder to store an email to be sent it makes two copies: one copy to the folder chosen and other for the folder associated to the shared smtp server configuration. Any idea how to avoid it?


此意見為舊版本 (1.0.0) 的附加元件。 

Display Contact Photo

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

The add-on is great (it is a good complement similar to the one that provides Mail in Macosx). Could it be possible to get the contact photo from Mac OSX Address Book instead of TB one?

此意見為舊版本 (1.2.5) 的附加元件。 

Follow Up

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

It is a great add-on to monitor the commitments that you have in order to answer some important emails. Thanks to Jeff I was able to link my Google Calendar (a specific for FollowUps) with Lighthing... so great resource.

However there is always a ... but ..... In this case is the fact that, when a Follow Up is created in the calendar the description is only "Follow Up: 1 email" but you do not know which email is referred to (email subject would be great to be added).

There is another comment, if you create a Follow Up for tomorrow Lighthing comes up with an alarm but you would like to get the alarm for instance tomorrow 9.00 not today when I am creating the FollowUp ...

In any case, a great reasource. Thanks!

Mailbox Alert

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

Although the add-on is excellent I am facing the same problem than before (I already included a comment here some time ago). There is a memory bug in the XPI. I do not know why but once the add-on is active TB starts to consume 20% of CPU as average... if I use Alert Switch it does not. I think that there is any process related to XPI that it seems to be checking something? but CPU increases to 20 - 22% of total and it should be not.

此意見為舊版本 (0.16.1) 的附加元件。  此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 1 筆評論

Mailbox Alert

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

0.15.3 works as fine as 0.15.2... but I found that both have huge memory leaks and CPU hungry. When mailbox alert is working takes almost 25% of CPU, and after few hours of operation RAM increases to values from 450Mb to several Gb! until crashes TB. Any idea?

此意見為舊版本 (0.15.3) 的附加元件。