

名称 gilles.orsini
位置 france
职业 chef de projet web
注册时间 Jan. 15, 2010
开发的附加组件数量 2 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分4星,满分5星


tasks & mails 需要重开

Tasks and emails management in a Thunderbird extension. tasks are stored in emails folder and it's possible to link an email to a task.
See all in one, emails and tasks (no more pain to synchronize a task manager).

评分4星,满分5星 (37)
5 位用户

folderplus 需要重开

This extension adds some basic missing features about folders.
Move mails to their conversation folder. Navigate to folder with new keyboard shortcuts.

评分4星,满分5星 (7)
3 位用户


Tiny JavaScript Debugger


I would have preferred contact support before writing a review but I do not know how. Unfortunately, this extension does not work in my case (TB 24, windows). I could set a breakpoint but nothing happens when the execution should stop. Yet there seems to be potential.


Quick Folder Move


Very usefull when you have a lot of folders. Very well integrated in the thunderbird UI. Nice job.
One suggestion : in my case, I have a lot of archived folder and these ones appear in the extension's window. An option to show (or not) folders under 'Archive' root folder could be useful.
One last dream : moving a message directly in the same folder that the corresponding thread.


Manually sort folders


I was looking for a thus extension for a long time and I was forced to put some "_" or "Z" to order my folders :-(
Just a suggestion : it could more convenient to order folders with drag & drop (maybe with Alt) or to use a shortcut. It's so possible to reorder without opening the specific window.
Thanks you
