

名称 JoDoGo59
注册时间 April 8, 2014
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


BiDi Mail UI


I really like this add on but I have experienced a problem that I have yet to resolve. When composing an email with the default setting "left to right", an email written in English (and therefore left justified) with Hebrew insertions becomes right justified after it's sent. This appears, not only in the sent folder as right justified, but also also in the replies by my email's recipients. And no matter what I try to do to force it to be left justified it keeps going back to right justified. And this has a residual effect on punctuation which looks out of place. I believe that the recipients receive it correctly - nobody's complained. It's just the message view in Thunderbird or the "Edit Message as New" option that creates the incorrect justification. I understand that this may (or may not) be a Thunderbird problem as opposed to a BiDi Mail UI problem.
