

名称 jmozmoz
注册时间 March 5, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 4 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分4星,满分5星


CompactHeader 需要重开

Add symbol in header plane to switch between compact and expanded view. Work only for Thunderbird 68.0 and older. Currently, there are no plans to update this for newer versions.

评分5星,满分5星 (191)
15,970 位用户

Sort and Search Customization Dialogs 需要重开

Sort and search for buttons in (any) toolbar customization dialog

评分5星,满分5星 (18)
18 位用户


The AutoSlide addon automatically moves the splitter between the thread and the message pane in Thundbird so that the thread pane is set to a optimal height.

评分4星,满分5星 (4)
95 位用户

Get Partial Messages 需要重开

Get the rest of all partially downloaded messages from server.

评分5星,满分5星 (3)
33 位用户


Compact Headers


Works again with Thunderbird 101.0 (beta4)


QuickFolders (Tabbed Folders)


This is really a very useful addon. Unfortunately, it does not work anymore with Thunderbird 57.0b1. I had to start Thunderbird in safe-mode and deactivate it.


Saved Password Editor


One some pages, the stored login is not shown, after the page has been loaded. Only by choosing the context menu "Anmeldedaten ändern/change login data(?)" the login name shows up.

Also it would be nice if only the login name could be stored (without a password). An obvious work around is to store a wrong/short password.




I guess klint also contacted me. I am the author of CompactHeader. He suggests to add two buttons to convert the selected mail (in the message list pane) into a event/task, like it is done in the context menu. I implemented these two buttons and submitted a patch to lightning itself. See

If this bug were not implemented you are very welcome to add the source code to your addon. On the other hand, you might try to get your buttons added to lightning itself. Your buttons should really be part of the lightning.


RSS Linkify Subject


I got the OK of the author of this addon to integrate his code in the CompactHeader addon ( He wrote me that he is not planing to further work on this addon. So for Thunderbird 3.0 the CompactHeader addon can be used as replacement. For Thunderbird 2.0.0.x you have to manually change a line in install.rdf to 2.0.0.*. To do this change the filename rss_linkify_subject-0.1-tb.xpi to Extract the install.rdf, edit the file and add it back to the zip file. Then rename the zip file back to rss_linkify_subject-0.1-tb.xpi

RSS Linkify Subject


This is a very useful addon. Are you planing to update it? Otherwise I would like to add this functionality to the next version my addon (