Joeri Boudewijns


名称 Joeri Boudewijns
注册时间 June 14, 2013
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Browser Backgrounds


I gave it a 5 although there are still rather some bugs in the add-on. For example on a Mac, strangely enough not only the browser backgrounds image changes but also on the desktop that the browser is opened on. After having solved that and some extra's to load the background images faster, It works for me as I had it in mind.

Working 8 - 11 hours a day behind a Mac / PC it is always nice to have some images of my children displayed there with a delay.

Just like your other Add-Ons it is another 9-!

Keep up the good work on your other created and future releasing Add-Ons.

Joeri aka. Bojoer
