

名称 randobando
注册时间 Jan. 15, 2012
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
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Session Manager


Using the "Open Session Folder" option from Session Manager (0.7.9) does not appear to provide a way to click on an individual .session file and automatically perform the equivalent of a "Load Session", as one would reasonably expect. If Session Manager provided an open-file type dialog (wherein the meaning of "open" was defined as "open and load an existing .session file") it would be a big improvement.

Ideally, if Session Manager allowed the user to designate an external "named session folder", and included a "Save Session As" option which defaulted to this common folder, groups of users could easily share & load named sessions, without modifying or interfering with their private session repository. Changing one's private session repository to a common folder (as was suggested in one review) is problematic, because Session Manager is regularly saving temporary sessions specific to individual instances of Firefox which would likely interfere with one another.

This is a very useful tool, but would benefit significantly from a few simple extensions of it's functionality.
