Zombie Keys (Multilanguage Keyboard) 版本历史
25 个版本
版本 2.22
- Made compatible with Thundeerbird 68. Well I think so - that's all folks.
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.21.1
- Made install.rdf compatible with Thunderbird 60
- Removed donation tab when updating ZombieKeys.
- Removed obsolete Addon Manager interface.
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.20
- [Bug 26442] Thunderbird 57 hangs on start with Zombiekeys enabled
See also the Related Thunderbird bug - [Bug 26490] ESR 2018 readiness - Make Zombiekeys compatible with Thunderbird 60.
To use in Waterfox, open about:config and set extensions.legacy.enabled = true
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.19
- [Bug 26309] Added Spanish keyboard layout
- Added Spanish Locale - thanks to strel at Babelzilla.org
- Added support for Firefox Pale Moon:
Mozilla is going to eventually terminate XUL based addons, so it is important that
our functionality stays supported on this Firefox fork. Here is a Mozilla blog post explaining their plans.
There are also some changes planned around a new programming model called Electrolysis (e10s) which may break functionality of addons that try to insert content into any browser tab. It may become the standard in a near future release of Firefox and would also affect Zombiekeys.
Please consider donating to help developing e10s compatibility for the future of Firefox.</p> - Ensured Postbox 5.0 Compatibility
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.18
- Double Accute not working on American keyboards
- [Bug 26263] Added Hungarian keyboard layout
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.17
- [Bug 25979] Toolbar Icon returns after being removed.
- [Bug 26199] Add support for ŵ and ŷ - apparently these characters are used in Welsh a lot.
- [Bug 25648]
CTRL+> and CTRL+< modify font sizes in Thunderbird Composer - Fixed Zombiekey toolbar button in composer for brighttext themes
- Firefox: CTRL + ` key close the current tab. Fixed in Irish keyboard layout.
- German layout: fixed accelerator key for Grave `
Apparently there is still a problem with Iceweasel 38.7 under Linux - when pressing CTRL+ the ` key, it sets charCode (39) instead of keyCode (190). Hopefully future support for custom layouts may fix the issue.
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.16.1-signed.1-signed
- Added c with acute for croatian languages
- Use "o" as shortcut for circled letters
- Minor fixes in UK locale
- exposed all data structures for xbl binding, thus avoiding duplication of all Javascript code.
- Added support for Thunderbird's new Folder Dialog
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.15.1-signed.1-signed
- Thunderbird: added support for folder rename dialog
- addons: enigmail, extension list dumper, get selected mail, quickpasswords (sso change)
- bumped up compatibility to Seamonkey 2.25, TB+Fx 26.0
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.14.1-signed.1-signed
- [Bug 25202] Reopened - Fixed Acute for IRL / UK keyboards.
- Fx 20+: support per-tab private browsing mode
- icon size fix for large icon mode (forces 24px)
- Private Browsing support
- bumped up compatibility to Seamonkey 2.21, TB+Fx 24.0
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.13.1-signed.1-signed
- new option to create characters with comma below (instead of cedilla) for Romanian languages
- fixed [bug 25202]: Some keyboard shortcuts broken in UK layout
- added support for our SmartTemplate4 extension
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.12.1-signed.1-signed
- fixed a problem with russian keyboard (sha key for o+overdot was double, lowercase be for was missing for m+overdot)
- version bump to 15.*
- removed some obsolete warnings
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
- resized toolbar icon to 16*16
- added tooltip to button
- added support of subscript + superscript numbers to underdot/overdot shortcuts
- fixed list of characters in overdot menu
- added donation menu item
- added support for message filters dialog ('find filters' box in QuickFolders)
- bumped up compatibility to Fx12 / Tb12
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.11.1-signed.1-signed
- resized toolbar icon to 16*16
- added tooltip to button
- added support of subscript + superscript numbers to underdot/overdot shortcuts
- fixed list of characters in overdot menu
- added donation menu item
- added support for message filters dialog ('find filters' box in QuickFolders)
- bumped up compatibility to Fx12 / Tb12
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.10.1-signed.1-signed
- fixed [bug 24735]: In Gmail Compose Mail window shortcuts do not work, this affects Fx10+.
This bugfix apparently also works for Thunderbird 10's compose window, which was affected by the same bug.
- overwrote global shortcut for Tab Group switching (CTRL+' becomes ALT+') thanks to Kent E. Soule
- stability fixes for inserting into nodes that have no selectionStart etc.
- fixed faulty duplication of aliveKeys (removes superfluous up event)
- added § sign (use same dead key shortcut as for sharp s)
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
- Added Firefox Scratchpad support
- Added smart quotes shortcut
- Added Russian keyboard layout (fully supported only in English Mode)
- Added Swedish keyboard layout: thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs for collaboration
- Added experimental Russian keys support (incomplete): thanks to Anton Pinsky for collaboration
- also display mapping when waking zombies from menu
- tidied console output
- raised Tb+Fx minVer to 3.5
- removed jar file
- added greek letters
- (2.9.1)fixed UK and IRL layouts (tilde) and FR (circumflex) as they ignored the altKey due to a typo in the code
- bumped maxVer of Fx/Tb to 11.* for Aurora users
- Fixed error with empty tabs on update / firstRun
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.8.1-signed.1-signed
- added Italian keyboard layout - thanks for help & testing by Manlio Fierro
- added Italian locale: (Manlio Fierro)
- added Brazilian locale: Mauro José da Silva
- added "display map option"
- added localization remaining options in settings dialog
- Postbox 3.x compatible
- added German keyboard layout
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.6.1-signed.1-signed
- Added French Layout
- Fixed broken <ctrl>-, + c
- added overlay to following XUL windows: Search/Replace, common Dialog (Rename), Password Manager
- added overlay to mail specific windows: Message Filter Editor, Edit Task/Event, Identity Settings, Folder Properties,
Mail Account Setup, Other Account Wizard, SMTP Server Settings, License Code (Postbox), Subscribe
- added overlay to browser specific windows: Preferences (Options), All History, All Bookmarks, New Bookmark + Folder Properties
- added support for some Add-Ons: Console2, QuickFolders, Save Password Editor, DOM inspector
- Added icelandic thorn and eth characters
- Added "circled" letters
- Improved display of shortcuts on menu
- Improved shortcuts for additional diacritics
- Support for new Postbox 3 beta
- added option to display key mappings in javascript console (not yet localized)
- In the search box (only), Zombiekey letters are put in the wrong position. So far no idea why?
- On clicking the Zombiekeys toolbar button the first time in a session, there is a noticable delay (3secs)
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.5.1-signed.1-signed
- Bumped up max Compatibility for Thunderbird and Firefox to 8.0 to better align with Mozilla's new rapid release cycle
- Added Zombiekeys Toolbar button
- Added multiple keyboard layout support
- Added Configuration dialog
- Added Version Check and Debug logging
- Added Working jump to Mozdev support page
- Hiding debug output in private browsing mode
- Added dynamic layout shortcuts that describe shortcuts accurately depending on selected keyboard layout (locale)
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.1.1-signed.1-signed
Compatibility update. AFAIK this still works in Fx5 and Tb5
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 2.0.1-signed.1-signed
- Adds compatibility to Firefox 4 and Postbox 2.1.
- I also redesigned the icon, and a 64 pixel version for the new detail view in Firefox 4
- Added lightning support for new event window
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 1.3
- 源代码在 GNU 通用公共授权,版本 3.0 下发布
版本 1.1.4
* support Thunderbird 2.0
* support SeaMonkey 1.1 / SuiteRunner 1.5a - thanks to Philip Chee
* added XBL binding to operate on chrome://global/content/platformHTMLBindings.xml#inputFields and derived elements - thanks to Arno Renevier and Philip Chee
* French localization - thanks to Arno Renevier
* support SeaMonkey 1.1 / SuiteRunner 1.5a - thanks to Philip Chee
* added XBL binding to operate on chrome://global/content/platformHTMLBindings.xml#inputFields and derived elements - thanks to Arno Renevier and Philip Chee
* French localization - thanks to Arno Renevier
版本 1.1.3
* support Thunderbird 2.0
* support SeaMonkey 1.1 / SuiteRunner 1.5a - thanks to Philip Chee
* added XBL binding to operate on html::input and derived elements - thanks to Arno Renevier
* French localization - thanks to Arno Renevier
* support SeaMonkey 1.1 / SuiteRunner 1.5a - thanks to Philip Chee
* added XBL binding to operate on html::input and derived elements - thanks to Arno Renevier
* French localization - thanks to Arno Renevier
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