Sicilian Volovski


名称 Sicilian Volovski
注册时间 Nov. 22, 2016
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分




To anyone coming here complaining about updates - mozilla is updating lightning and there are versions for thunderbird 60, they are just not posting them here.
You can get the latest here -
or from the ubuntu ppa


Provider for Google Calendar


Currently broken on thunderbird 59 for v4.4.1 - no calendars are listed when attempting to add a new calendar. I used the CalDav method instead and it worked fine


Custom Buttons


It's a great plugin, but seems to not be maintained, so I had to dig for the patch myself.

You can get the patch here -

Please, note that it is not signed. I am not a firefox dev, just a code hacker who need to use the extension NOW. To make it work you'll need xpinstall.signatures.required set to false in about:config.
I've listed the changes to the code. If you don't trust the binary, get the code from
and compare to your current add-on yourself.

Hopefully the official patch comes soon.

KDE5 Wallet password integration


It's a great plugin and works great - but with some patching.
I got the code from Guillermo's SVN, added the missing 1.3 patch (which is just 3 lines of code to init some variables with null) and published on github. This way it's easier to get the code to compile yourself. The git repo is linked to the original SVN via Git SVN.

You can get the Qt 5.5 compatible 64 bit binary from the 1.3.1 release

Please, note that it's unsigned. I am not a firefox dev, just a code hacker who need to use the extension NOW, so you'll need xpinstall.signatures.required set to false to use the binary. If you don't trust the binary, get the code from, get pre-reqs and run make to re-create the patched code.

Hopefully Guillermo comes up with the official patch soon.