M Simmons


名称 M Simmons
位置 US west coast
职业 Attorney
注册时间 Sept. 16, 2010
开发的附加组件数量 4 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分4星,满分5星


Google Maps Terrain View

Google Maps Terrain View

5 次周下载量

4th Circuit Search

4th Circuit Opinion Search, advanced type for keyword or phrase

0 次周下载量

South Carolina Case Law Search

South Carolina judicial opinion search

评分4星,满分5星 (2)
0 次周下载量

Washington State Case Law search

Washington State Judicial Opinion Search

0 次周下载量


Private Tab


Thank you so much for writing this add-on.

I gave it four stars only because it could use a configuration panel for changing or deleting hotkeys. I'm one of those who prefers no hotkeys, but there are other people who need to change the hotkey combinations for accessibility. For me, editing the about:config is no big deal, but for others, it is, especially for accessibility's sake.Like other reviewers, I too would like to see an appearance change for private tabs, so while you're thinking about it, I used the userChrome.css to address the issue.

The relevant CSS I used is:.

.tabbrowser-tab[privateTab-isPrivate] .tab-content
{ background:#555 !important; color:#ddd !important; }

.tabbrowser-tab[privateTab-isPrivate] .tab-close-button
{ /* this needs to change the default image as it's a bit dark with my colors */ }

.tabbrowser-tab[privateTab-isPrivate][selected] .tab-content
{ background:#777 !important; color:#fff !important; }

.tabbrowser-tab[privateTab-isPrivate]:hover .tab-content
{ background:#669 !important; color:#fff !important; }

I hope this helps, and others may find it useful. Thank you again for making this add-on.

[edited this post to fix the colors]
