

名称 Grumbler21
注册时间 Aug. 14, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


No Message Pane Sort


Great add-on.

I'm always accidentally clicking the column headers and although it's easy to resort the columns this is so much better.

Thanks for a small but practical add-on that works perfectly.


Text size toolbar


As per my reply to georgie_o's discussion I would like to see this appear when composing a message.

I know you can alter the send font when writing but I want to leave that set at small and just alter the font size I'm viewing.

For some reason fonts sizes are very different bewteen OE and TB, medium in TB looks 10pt but displays in OE at 12. Small is too small to view for me in TB but displays at desired 10pt in OE.

Great extension and would be 12/10 with the extra function.