'Ami Artsi


名称 'Ami Artsi
注册时间 Nov. 21, 2010
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Hebrew Calendar


Hello iharz ! Congratulations for that great add-on (I use it) ! I'd like to know, why have you name the days "yom aleph", "yom beth", "yom gimel", etc and not by their real names : "yom Rishon" (for sunday), "yom Sheni" (for monday), "yom Shlishi", "yom Revi'i", "yom 'Hamishi", "yom Shishi" and "yom Shabat" ? Will you fix it soon in a new update ? If yes, when ? Thank you for your answer. 'Ami Artsi------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bonjour iharz !
Félicitation pour cet excellent add-on (je l'utilise) !Je voulais savoir, pourquoi appelez-vous les jours "yom alef", "yom beit", "yom guimel", etc... et non par leur véritables noms "yom Rishon" (pour dimanche), "yom Sheni" (pour lundi), "yom Shlishi", "yom Revi'i", "yom 'Hamishi", "yom Shishi" et "yom Shabat" ? Comptez-vous résoudre cela ? Si oui, quand ? Merci de votre réponse. 'Ami Artsi
