

名称 Phaewryn
位置 Vermont
职业 haha, that's a joke, right?
注册时间 Aug. 29, 2012
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


I, uh, like things MY way.


Space Purple Flowers


I love this! It is colorful, yet the text pops against it, making it easy to see, the status bar on the bottom looks great, unlike on some other personas where it seems a bit skewed (so if you have, say, ad blocker down there, it looks nice).

F.B. Purity - Cleans Up Facebook


Wow! I see a *HUGE* potential in this add-on. Users could submit their custom CSS to a forum (or even here, to reviews, if they'd change the rules) with a screenshot, in effect, making pre-made "themes" for fully customizing facebook. This turns new facebook into old myspace (back when myspace ruled for HTML/CSS junkies [like me]). If everyone would add it, it might create WORLD PEACE! (it's that awesome)

The epic irony of this is, I'd spam the hell out of all my friends with pleas to install this app (but then I'd be a super-hypocrite)!
