

名稱 Hal
加入日期 March 5, 2007
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分



評分: 1 / 5 顆星

This extension has so much potential, but sadly as it stands it does not work at all for me.

I have both the en-GB and en-US dictionaries installed with FF3. I have a page with the following html element:

but nothing happens when clicking on the menu item Edit/Spell Check.

Sometimes a javascript dialog appears stating that "Page Language is not specified. Use default dictionary?(en-US)", but nothing happens when "OK" is clicked. (See http://www.littleblackbox.eu )

Even on this very page ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8153 ) it states "Dictionary not available for the language of this page". There is also no option to check the page regardless of this, using the language specified by the user.

It would be so good if this extension worked. If the issues are corrected, I will certainly increase my rating from 1.

To the coder - although it is admirable attempt, I hope you will continue to develop the extension to its full potential.



評分: 1 / 5 顆星

This extension has so much potential, but sadly as it stands it does not work at all for me.

I have both the en-GB and en-US dictionaries installed with FF3. I have a page with the following html element:

but nothing happens when clicking on the menu item Edit/Spell Check.

Sometimes a javascript dialog appears stating that "Page Language is not specified. Use default dictionary?(en-US)", but nothing happens when "OK" is clicked. (See http://www.littleblackbox.eu )

Even on this very page ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8153 ) it states "Dictionary not available for the language of this page". There is also no option to check the page regardless of this, using the language specified by the user.

It would be so good if this extension worked. If the issues are corrected, I will certainly increase my rating from 1.

To the coder - although it is admirable attempt, I hope you will continue to develop the extension to its full potential.



評分: 1 / 5 顆星

This extension has so much potential, but sadly as it stands it does not work at all for me.

I have both the en-GB and en-US dictionaries installed with FF3. I have a page with the following html element:

but nothing happens when clicking on the menu item Edit/Spell Check.

Sometimes a javascript dialog appears stating that "Page Language is not specified. Use default dictionary?(en-US)", but nothing happens when "OK" is clicked. (See http://www.littleblackbox.eu )

Even on this very page ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/8153 ) it states "Dictionary not available for the language of this page". There is also no option to check the page regardless of this, using the language specified by the user.

It would be so good if this extension worked. If the issues are corrected, I will certainly increase my rating from 1.

To the coder - although it is admirable attempt, I hope you will continue to develop the extension to its full potential.


Pastebin Add-on

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

This was not working for me for months, as it always returned an "Error 500" message. However, I found that it was set to use pastie.org rather than pastebin.ca in the options. I am pretty sure that I did not change the default settings. Hence, if you experience this, just correct them and it works great!

Fantastic plugin! 5 stars!
