

名稱 embeeusername
加入日期 Aug. 31, 2009
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分



評分: 1 / 5 顆星

I am trying to use this add-on with Thunderbird 64.0b2 (32-bit), which I realize is not explicitly supported. However, the add-on does import correctly into Thunderbird. Problem is, when I set the options, the settings do not save. The options window appears over the app screen with a transparent background, and the only way to dismiss the window is to force close it. Can you fix it so that the options window can be closed normally with the settings saved?

此意見為舊版本 (1.59) 的附加元件。