

名稱 Naud
加入日期 Oct. 13, 2011
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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No More Install Delay

評分: 2 / 5 顆星

It's easy to do this without add on. After installing it you can actually delete it because it doesn't do anything anymore. You can just go to about:config and change security.dialog_enable_delay to 0. That's it. No need to install an add on. It would be handy if you could tweak many things with this add on, not only the waiting time. So you don't need to go to about:config for everything. But there's only this feature you can easily do yourself.

此意見為舊版本 (1.0.1-signed.1-signed) 的附加元件。