

名稱 sean50350
加入日期 Dec. 17, 2013
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
此開發者的附加元件平均分數 未經評分


Personas Shuffler

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Thank you soooo much!
You helped me solve a problem that had disturbed me days.
Really thank you!

ANIMATED - Snoopy Nap

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Everyone that got problem should read this:
It fixs the problem I met.

此使用者對此附加元件 曾發表過 1 筆評論

ANIMATED - Snoopy Nap

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Although every time Firefox was restarted, the snoopy just stop moving, I found that this is a problem of Firefox, NOT the theme!

This is a great theme, and it deserves 5 stars!