FastPrevNext 版本記錄

版本: 9



版本 12 16.9 KiB 相容於 Firefox 45.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.39 - 2.44.*

Compatibility with Nightly

版本 11 16.6 KiB 相容於 Firefox 40.0 - 45.*, SeaMonkey 2.30 - 2.40.*

Fixed compatibility issues

版本 10.1-signed 21.6 KiB 相容於 Firefox 22.0 - 41.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.34.*

  • E10s/multi-process compatibility
  • Nightly compatibility

版本 9.1-signed 25.8 KiB 相容於 Firefox 10.0 - 28.*, SeaMonkey 2.7 - 2.25.*

Fixed potential compatibility issue.

版本 8.1-signed 21.0 KiB 相容於 Firefox 10.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.7 - 2.14.*

Fixed sessionHistory use.
Does not trigger on secondary (right) click anymore.
Repackaged with more compression.

版本 7.1-signed 51.0 KiB 相容於 Firefox 10.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.7 - 2.14.*

Restartless via my extsdk.
Minor improvements and fixes.

版本 5.1-signed 11.0 KiB 相容於 Firefox 3.6 - 14.*

  • Signed release
  • Handling incompatible locations better

版本 4.1-signed 7.0 KiB 相容於 Firefox 3.6 - 4.0.*

  • Firefox 4 compatibility improvements
  • First localization work
  • Parsing previous/next relationships
  • Minor fixes
Thanks to Denis Jasselette for code contributions

版本 7.0 KiB 相容於 Firefox 3.0 - 4.0.*

* Make arrows more compact using less space
* Fix wrong icons on *nix