

名稱 el_baby
加入日期 May 2, 2010
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Excellent add-on for whoever uses more than one email account.

I use a local SMTP server at work (the fastest) plus my home ISP provider plus gmail and I usually prefere the local server. However, some mailing lists (which I always subscribe using gmail) hate that @gmail.com mails come from wherever else, so, if I post to any of these lists, I simply choose gmail in sendVia.

Recently, SORBS went mad with its DUHL RBL and started blocking our (thightly configured, never used for spam) local server. I got a couple of bounces because of it and now, when I have to send to these addresses, I simply choose my home ISP's SMTP server using sendVia.


評分: 5 / 5 顆星

The archive! button is awesome and I've been using it for years... regretfully, it doesn't work at all on tb 3.0.4 (at least on linux) :-(