Joe Jones


名稱 Joe Jones
加入日期 June 10, 2009
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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Private Tab

評分: 5 / 5 顆星


此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

Stylish - Custom themes for any website

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

I like Stylish because it gives users (like me) that aren't as experienced with code & design to be able to customize pages to our desire. One thing I look for is a dark design for pages, in order to help in reading websites easily. It also allows my eyes to relax more, instead of straining them. Stylish also helps with adding more creativity and expression to many popular webpages, such as Yahoo! or Facebook. Why not enjoy the internet more when you can practically customize it with ease? Thanks Stylish!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 


評分: 1 / 5 顆星

terrible quality, not recommended for beginners.


評分: 5 / 5 顆星

It gets rid of almost all of the limits, and the best part: it allows you to download that video! =D