

名稱 bobshere
加入日期 Dec. 11, 2010
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Thanks gentlemen for making a great little add-on which does a big job. I am an analyst who does a lot of research on the net often downloading tons of data to back up my assessments. I am using Windows XP Pro 32-bit & Windows 7 64-bit so I can't comment on any of your recent upgrades regarding the newer O/S's. Anyways, I made a nominal contribution today & will try to make another in the near future. Becuase it has been a great timesaver for me with very little associated problems.

Any chance that you would make a software to download YouTube videos? There was an add-on (BYTube?) (Approx. spelling) that used to do a pretty good job bulk downloading YouTube videos. Except for, it could have used a little more specifics in the pre-download stage. However, that is no longer supported. It would be a very popular add-on if someone was to produce it.

Thanks, again for saving me many hours of wasted time downloading!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。

評分: 2 / 5 顆星

I'm using FF 17.01 at this very moment & about a month ago I was using FF 16.x. About, 30 min ago. I got an error message when I clicked on your install button telling me that "I need to have a Mozill-based browser to get the install". I think I left a message here a couple of months ago voicing the same difficulties.
Never had this problem before, except here, in 16 years I've worked full-time on the Net as a researcher.

Complete YouTube Saver

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Tried your e-mail support link and it wasn't working. So here I am. Why is it every time I open up my Firefox browser your webpage is loading as well? It gets to really, really be, a pain in the you know what, when software becomes pushy. And I don't see any options in your software or in my Firefox browser to stop your webpage from loading when I boot up. So for that reason I will be uninstalling this program.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。