

名称 tuk0z
位置 France
职业 Data Manager
注册时间 April 5, 2008
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Internet Archive Search


M'apporte un vrai gain de temps. Aucun soucis y-compris sous Nightly.

Bookmarks Checker - check for bad links


La version fonctionnelle (3.3.1) est installable depuis « Informations de version » en bas de page (même le lien fourni par fvdmedia a du être écrit avec les pieds).

While I understand the dev's move to html5, I wonder how they could publish an add-on whose interface is broken and which is coded in a way that freezes Firefox after taking up to 7 GB memory (RAM + SWAP). Zawinul is right they must have been really high when they've done that :/


Duplicate Contact Manager


Thun. 38.6 on Linux. For these who wonder how to launch it it's in Contacts Manager » Tools » Find Duplicates

Finds dupes into a single list or list A and B. Let me choose which of the contacts to keep/delete, one by one or automatically.

Proposal: add some merge helpers (e.g. "Merge these fields", with a bidirectional arrow). Thank you for sharing this module!

Controle de Scripts


i.e. v2.39

Quick Locale Switcher


Switche la langue pour la page et le dico (instantanément), et l'interface complète (redémarre Fx). Gère des douzaines et douzaines de langues.
Testé pour en_US, fr_FR et ar_EG sous Firefox 38.0.4 ESR.



Excellent détecteur et téléchargeur de médias vidéo ou audio en ligne.
Plus : léger, actif, open source, choix du downloader très large;
Manque : Choix rapide du média à télécharger, fonctions "Copier l'URL" et "Ouvrir avec [player]" (comme Video Download Helper)


ScienceDirect Scientific Search


I'll edit this review when it becomes downloadable and I can install/test it. (writing this here as I didn't find a link in support section)



Woooh, it _does_ delete the attachments, letting the (text) messages intacts or if I want, removing them (with optional backup of the messages in html format).This is configured in the third tab in Preferences "After extraction". Note: One has to tell the extension where to save the attachments for it to work ;)
Now I can save a great deal of room (and speed in TBird most probably) by deleting aaaaall these attachments from hundred of messages :-) A big thank to Andrew Williamson!

Fonctionne sous TBird 24 / Linux. J'ai juste
- Configuré le dossier où poser les P.J. dans les préférences
- sélectionné quelques emails avec P.J. > Clic droit et > Extraire des messages sélectionnés.

Babylon Dictionary Word Search


Fast, efficient, un-intrusive. I love it.
Note: Supports translating FROM Arabic (from any language), not yet TO Arabic.
It'd be great if this feature would be added as @AD187 said.

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过3个评价

Gmail Manager NG


First, works simple great.
I use it with CookieSwap to auto-login on various Gmail accounts in seconds :)
The fact that it doesn't work with Google's 2-step authentication makes trouble. Please can we test and help?

Babylon Dictionary Word Search


Using Babylon Word Search on a daily basis for a year and and a half now, and it does its job incredibly well. On Firefox 3.X - 8.0 Linux & Windows. Whenever doubt on a word, ALT+Y and the doubt's gone :-)
Oh, and never ever took over my search preferences, nor a single issue to remove it.

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。  对这个附加组件,此用户的其他评论

Babylon Dictionary Word Search


Thank you marioalv for this great litle tool :-)
Works fine with Firefox 5 if you edit the file "instal.rdf" into the xpi archive and change the maxVersion like this:

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。  对这个附加组件,此用户的其他评论



Using it for over a year now on FF up to 3.6.13 on Linux
Love its look
Works perfectly and that is with a dozen of various FF extensions and heavy GUI customization.
GOOD job :)



mediaDownloader's an excellent if not the best Firefox add-on for swf files (audio, video and else) embeded in webpage.

Babylon Dictionary Word Search


Fast, light, simple and configurable enough extension.
/me like it :-)


Gmail Manager


A proud Todd Long's Gmail Manager supporter, but I must say I'd uninstall the extension version 0.6 (which is unable to display emails subjects on KDE3 / KDE4.4 / Openbox on Linux !)
Following Rezwan's tip makes it all usable back; thank you very much Rezwan for sharing :D




Very handy extension for those who actually bookmark (e.g. started organizing mine since the 1990's --some R still great) by Andy Halford :D
Pros : fast (~15' for checking 2000 bookmarks, not including the manual operations); reliable (esp. those '404' web pages); resizable window
Cons : you have to check / delete the duplicates one by one; at least i couldn't find another way like 'Delete duplicates that are unsorted when they have classified counterpart'


PrintWhatYouLike Button


Slighty handier than "Nuke anything enhanced", especially to save an image or print (PDF) of all to a small part of a web page (does not work from local pages) :D
The pages are loaded again for it to work, so I hope our privacy is fully respected.

NetVideoHunter Video Downloader


One if not the best video collector arround!
@ Astral4 : use tabs not windows, this way you won't encouter this kind of trouble.


Gmail Manager


Just donated :) Gmail Manager simply is the best, have tried most if not all other notifiers/checkers.
Hope you'll keep it up to the never ending FF new versions (e.g >3.5 ;)
