ViewAbout Lược sử Phiên bản

12 phiên bản12 phiên bản

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Những phiên bản này được hiển thị cho mục đích tham khảo và thử nghiệm. Bạn chỉ luôn nên dùng phiên bản mới nhất của tiện ích.

Phiên bản 2.1.2 40.5 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 45.0a1 - 56.*, Thunderbird 45.0a1 - 63.*

## 2.1.2
* Mark as multiprocess-compatible

Phiên bản 2.1.1 40.5 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 45.0a1 - 50.0a1, Thunderbird 45.0a1 - 50.0a1

## 2.1.1
* Tweaked a submenu name
* Removed the following since they did not seem to show anything:
1. about:downthemall
2. about:sync-log
3. about:sync-tabs

## 2.1.0
* Added A-C, D-M, N-R and S-Z subcategories
* Added support for:
1. about:about
2. about:accounts
3. about:addons
4. about:checkerboard
5. about:debugging
6. about:devtools-toolbox
7. about:downloads
8. about:downthemall
9. about:healthreport
10. about:home
11. about:networking
12. about:newtab
13. about:performance
14. about:permissions
15. about:preferences
16. about:profiles
17. about:serviceworkers
18. about:tabs
19. about:telemetry
20. about:webrtc
21. about:welcomeback
* Removed support for SeaMonkey, Sunbird and Instantbird
* Removed:
1. about:accessibilityenabled
2. about:icecream
3. about:jetpack
4. about:kitchensink
5. about:search
6. about:shopping
7. about:weave

Phiên bản 2.0.4 32.7 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 45.0a1 - 50.0a1, Thunderbird 45.0a1 - 50.0a1

* Minor tweaks to Fx/Tb versioning support to make ViewAbout install properly

Phiên bản 2.0.3 32.6 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 44.0a1 - 50.*, Thunderbird 44.0a1 - 50.*

* Support only Firefox and Thunderbird for now
* Update for Firefox 47 and later, since Application <dot> id is no longer available (Thanks :mnoorenberghe)
* Add LICENSE, README <dot> md, package.json files for new GitHub/jpm workflow

(2.0.2 was an internal release to test the jpm workflow)

Phiên bản 28.7 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 2.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.9a1, Thunderbird 2.0 - 12.0a1

changeset: 11:6a7d11eb7175
tag: tip
user: Gary Kwong
date: Tue Mar 22 02:39:33 2011 +0800
summary: Bump to 2.0.1 as this is a perf hotfix along with various maxVersion bumps.

changeset: 10:729b7963279d
user: Gary Kwong
date: Tue Mar 22 02:38:45 2011 +0800
summary: Fix a perf issue where ViewAbout will cause performance regressions in Firefox 4 beta and RC. Thanks go out to harry for his tip.

Phiên bản 2.0.1-signed.1-signed 27.5 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 2.0 - 5.*, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.1b3, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.3a4pre

Project page moved to

Changelog for version 2.0:

changeset: 9:b7d302f15a7f
tag: tip
user: Gary Kwong
date: Wed Apr 21 16:46:42 2010 +0800
summary: Bump version to 2.0.

changeset: 8:277df1f88014
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sat Apr 10 14:01:50 2010 +0800
summary: Support Firefox 3.7a5pre.

changeset: 7:d3f4be6921f8
user: Gary Kwong
date: Mon Apr 05 10:10:09 2010 +0800
summary: Bump version to 2.0pre.

changeset: 6:3207cef199c9
user: Gary Kwong
date: Mon Apr 05 00:01:10 2010 +0800
summary: Append 'MenuPopup' to menu_viewAboutCache and menu_viewAboutLicense menupopup ids.

changeset: 5:b33b965a0bc0
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:59:39 2010 +0800
summary: Move error messages into another submenu dropdown and move to the bottom.

changeset: 4:4bf4fe011cd9
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:46:15 2010 +0800
summary: Add support for about:accessibilityenabled, about:certerror, about:icecream, about:jetpack, about:kitchensink, about:logo, about:me, about:memory, about:search, about:shopping and about:support.

changeset: 3:0f30efce887a
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 23:19:44 2010 +0800
summary: Add Wayne Mery (wsmwk) as a contributor for suggesting the access key change.

changeset: 2:0191a4f8a79f
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 22:33:57 2010 +0800
summary: Change default access key of ViewAbout to 'w' instead of 'i', change suggested by Wayne Mery (wsmwk).

changeset: 1:c9d32a6455d3
user: Mark Banner (Standard8)
date: Sun Apr 04 22:26:50 2010 +0800
summary: Add suggested changes to make ViewAbout open tabs in Thunderbird instead of windows.

changeset: 0:f620d752901c
user: Gary Kwong
date: Sun Apr 04 22:07:54 2010 +0800
summary: Add ViewAbout 1.5 to the Google Code hg repository for a start.

Phiên bản 1.5 15.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 2.0 - 3.7a5pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.2a1pre

* Support about:weave.
* Fix up ViewAbout's JavaScript code to pass security validation.
* Re-enable about:neterror for those who love it for complete-ness' sake.
* Add support up to Firefox 3.7a1pre.

Phiên bản 1.4.2 14.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

Fix in 1.4.2:

* Fixed up nit in 1.4.1.

Fixes in 1.4.1:

* Now supports Instantbird 0.2 and up. Thanks Nils Maier!
* Tidied up contributors section.

Phiên bản 1.4 13.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.1a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

* Now supports Firefox 2.0.0.x
* Auto-detection for available about URLs in current application
* Support for access keys in menu
* Some code re-factorizations to reduce redundant code

Huge thanks go out to Dave Garrett for contributing this version.

Phiên bản 1.3 15.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a2 - 2.0b1, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

- Supports SeaMonkey 2.0a2 and above.
- Supports Sunbird 1.0pre and above.
- Added more about: pages - about:robots, about:sessionrestore, about:privatebrowsing, about:rights
- Moved out doLoad and doUnLoad into a separate javascript file to reduce duplicate code.

Phiên bản 1.2 14.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Firefox 3.0 - 3.1b3pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre

- Supports Firefox 3.0 and above.
- Supports Thunderbird 2.0 and above.

Fixes for 1.1 (never released outside of sandbox):

- Adds about:, about:cache, about:cache?device=disk, about:cache?device=memory and about:cache?device=offline.
- Removes Mac file metadata.
- Fixes error console error that popped up whenever an about: window is opened.
- Miscellaneous minor fixes.

Phiên bản 1.0 14.0 KiB Hoạt động trên Thunderbird 3.0a3 - 3.0b2pre

Initial version. Already comes with keyboard support for closing the about: windows.