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chris p

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Інформація для розробника
Ім'я chris p
Користувач з Березень 5, 2007
Кількість розроблених додатків 0 додатків
Середня оцінка додатків розробника Ще не оцінено

Мої відгуки

Private Tab

Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

why this isn't default behavior is exactly whats wrong with the mozilla's firefox! having to rely on addon developers and install extensions just to get firefox up to par is completely the wrong direction to take the project! but noooo, they want their precious browser experience to look and behave exactly the same across all platforms. A novel idea but in truth and in practice, it's a fools errand.

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (0.2.2). 

Scroll Menus On Drag

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Could not be verified!

Password Exporter

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (1.3.3). 

Dark Fox

Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

I have this in desktop and mobile. Top marks!

Silent Block

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (3.1.0). 


Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Bad! Makes the android browser forget session tabs open.

Redirect Bypasser

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

not sure why but, doesn't work at all.

Classicish Add-on Manager

Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

removing functionality for the sake of vanity is exactly the problem with Mozilla's firefox design choices as of late. there seems to be no end to the dev team stripping out core functions that were always standard in place of useless and petty ones. while you may think it is "too" busy, that doesnt change the fact you're still removing functionality, justified/deliberate or not. sorry i don't subscribe to the way of thinking, in fact i oppose it vehemently. really wanted to like the addon, what a shame.

reply:your addon manager window is insanely small, im not trying to tell you how to run things but ...no wonder, and i suppose resizing it is out of the question? i am happy to hear you plan on making this an option when you do your re-write, glad to hear it. i might just come back to this addon. i really did give it an honest go. i just got tired of not having the buttons accessible. anyone like myself, often installing/uninstalling gresemonkey scripts will also find the missing buttons a pain. hope to see that make it in sooner than later.

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Profile Buttons

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

the few settings that are there, have no effect, but the real issue being the main reason i installed this was to switch profiles which it fails to do. after reading the description and comparing this to ProfileSwitcher, smaller filesize i thought hmmm maybe this would be a good replacement. nope.


Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

innovative, intuitive, easily an instant favorite. great for troubleshooting if you tend to run firefox with a lot of addons, simply load up a clean profile alongside the current one from the drop down menu on the button, doesn't get any better than that!

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (1.7.2). 

Select like a Boss

Оцінка 5 з 5 зірок

omg! why is this not default behavior?!

Classicish Add-on Manager

Оцінка 4 з 5 зірок

valid points made by iBreniaR. i disagree with the developer as well, removing buttons because you think its too busy? isnt that the whole point in having an addon manager. its always been there and its always been fine having it there. but then here you are removing buttons. how is someone supposed to uninstall a userscript?!
   thats right

this addon BREAKS being able to uninstall greasemonkey or scriptish scripts as the Remove button has been uh...removed. in fact you cant even find Remove in the context menu!!!! as there isn't one there normally for scripts, Uh oh!. this is most likely the biggest problem facing Classicish addon but its critical isuue for anyone using userscripts, something you do install and uninstall frequently. instead, how about an option instead of forcing these changes on by default and breaking things. that said, i still like this extension a lot. i hope it gets fixed up right away and stays around for a long time.

for the interim at least post some instructions on what file to edit to get the Remove button back on there ourselves, hopefully with out the need for another addon. i have no interest installing Stylish just to fix a UI problem in Classicish. just tell us what file to edit and what to change it to, thanks.

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Yet Another Remove It Permanently

Оцінка 4 з 5 зірок

Still no Palemoon support? mozilla continues to make bad UI decisions with every new version, Palemoon is pretty buch Firefox but with a carefully selected feature set for a better user experience. Please Kim, its been long time coming, add support so we can enjoy your work in the more user conscious and friendly Palemoon browser.

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Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

i hope the develper isnt finished with this addon because here is a solid foundation for what could be an amazing cookie addon. one glaring oversight is when selecting to Show cookies, it would make sense if the cookiekeeper window show cookies for the current site, instead of having to first manually copy the domain and paste it into the filter box. Aside from that, and few other bugs, i like the feature set. with some work this is one addon that could standout from the rest.

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Whois & Flags Firefox & Websites Popularity Rating

Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

the popularity icon is really ugly and pointless and takes up valuable space, when you can just give the same mouse over hover functionality to the flag icon itself. No options whatsoever leaving a lot to be desired.

Paste and Go Hotkey (Keyboard Shortcut)

Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

does what it says but does not open in a new tab.

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (0.2.1-signed.1-signed). 


Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

doesnt even do anything. i setup a site to auto login and nothin g happens. -no stars-


Оцінка 2 з 5 зірок

needs right click for blacklist settings. needs to support blocking by domain. instead of hxxp://www.1234.com should be able to use *1234.com/* for example.

Цей відгук для попередньої версії додатку (1.5). 

Blogant Proxy

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

good idea but could not get context menus or anything to show up after installing on Firefox 1.5 and on FF3. too bad, could have had use for it.


Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

i can confirm that all seems to work but 'previous addresses' does not. i created several temp emails and they dont show up.