Sökresultat för tagg "text"

Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (25)
6 användare

AutoCopy 2 Kräver omstart

Kopierar automatiskt markerad text till Urklipp.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (77)
24 användare

Copy Plain Text 2 Kräver omstart

Kopierar all markerad text som oformaterad text.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (98)
53 användare

No Small Text

Set a minimum text size for all web content. Use the toolbar button to switch it on and off. NEW: Three preset sizes. NEW: Use mouse scroll on the toolbar button.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (21)
23 användare

Copy As Plain Text Kräver omstart

Removes formatting from copied text.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (60)
50 användare


Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (14)
8 användare

SearchWith Kräver omstart

Search selected text with various search services...

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (77)
4 användare

TMS Bulk SMS Kräver omstart

Send SMS text messages directly from Thunderbird, without using a tethered phone! Integrates with Thunderbird's Address Book and allows SMS mailing lists for quick and easy bulk or individual messaging. Uses Flash Media Group's SMS service.

Inte betygsatt än
0 användare

Text Insert: Templates/Instant Spell Check

Email composer:

*Upper case the first letter of nouns, names, or words at sentence start
*Android(TM) like spellcheck/suggest alternatives (DE, EN, ES, FR,NL)
*Insert styled text, images, tables with shortcuts
*Define shortcut-replacements.

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor (7)
258 användare

Autocopy 78+

Automatically copy any text in an email when the text is selected.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor (5)
204 användare

Unicodify – Text transformer

Easily and quickly autocorrect common symbols as ¼, transform text to “Unicode fonts” and change the casing.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor (1)
326 användare